drunken love (t.c.)

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a/n: okay i really liked this one ngl

Tara pulled up to the house in which the party she told you about was held. You could see the bright neon lights through the windows, each one packed with people. The music was blaring so loud you could hear it within Tara's car. A few people were out in the front yard, where they laughed stupidly at their moronic drinking games. As you stepped out, you shivered instantly, surprised at the bitter cold. Tara shut her door and walked over to you, offering you her hand. You blushed and laced your fingers with hers, letting her lead you to the party. Even before you entered, you could feel the vibration of the music in your feet.

You and Tara have been dating for the past few weeks. It was fairly new, but you've never felt feelings like this with anyone before. You looked over at her as you walked, and she smiled at you, making your stomach churn. When you opened the door, a thick, pungent odor of sweat and alcohol hit your nose.

"Oh, Jesus," you muttered, scrunching your nose in disgust.

"Oh, relax. We all know you'll be drinking tonight," Tara smirked teasingly beside you.

"Well yeah but, I always forget how gross parties are."

She giggled at your complaints and took you to go find some drinks. Bodies of other teenagers pressed against your own, cups in every hand. The kitchen was extremely crowded, with everyone trying to drink their nerves away. Grabbing a cup, Tara poured a dark, amber colored drink for the both of you.

"Shot to start off the night?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

"Hell yeah." The bitterness of the drink burned pleasantly in your throat.

"Hey!" you heard a voice call. It was Chad, accompanied by Mindy and some other people you've never seen before. "You guys came!" he exclaimed excitedly. He walked over to Tara and put his arm around her, a wide grin spread across his face.

You rolled your eyes in distaste. It was so obvious he had a crush on her. You wanted to like Chad, he was sweet and easy to talk to, but his feelings for Tara made that impossible. A knot twisted and tightened in your gut as you watched them. Bitterly, you poured yourself another shot, downed it, and slammed your cup on the counter.

"I'm gonna go find my friends," you told Tara and left before she could respond. You liked Tara's friends, but you didn't wanna be around Chad's insatiable flirting with your own girlfriend. Plus, you weren't one to make a scene, so you let her be. You made your way through the house, searching for familiar faces. All around you people laughed obnoxiously loud, some bumping into you. Couples made out aggressively in every corner.

"Hey Y/N!" a voice called.

It was your friend Scarlett, along with everyone else in your group, spread out across a couch. Gaby's legs laid across Scarlett, red solo cup in hand, while talking to Noah. Noah's eyes were hooded, evident from the cart in his hand. He pressed it to his lips and inhaled, the blue light illuminating the pen. They all turned and smiled lazily at you as you approached the couch.

"Come sit!" Scarlett exclaimed excitedly, patting an empty space next to her. Her blonde hair was curled perfectly and her makeup highlighted all of her best features. You sat next to her and she instantly shoved a drink in your hands. "Soooo, how are things with Tara?" Scarlett asked.

You blushed upon hearing her name, shaking your head and letting your hair hide your face.

"Things are good. She's really sweet and I really like her," you said, shrugging your shoulders. You took a sip of the mystery concoction Scarlett handed you. It was pleasantly sweet, just enough to compliment the bitter taste of alcohol.

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