chapter 10 - cafe

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*ೃ༄ your pov

"A new cafe opened up near the school." Hyōma mentioned, watching me put my books inside my school bag.

"That's great. I hope their business goes well." I wished them the best.

"No, you idiot. I'm asking if you wanna check it out after school—" his voice toned down a bit "you know...just the two of us."

"You're an idiot too for thinking I'd refuse a date with you." I joked, making him roll his eyes at me.

A cafe seemed to be a place of contradictions. It can be both a vibrant social hub where strangers socialized and enjoyed the company of others, as well as a haven of peace and solitude.

The two of us made our way downstairs, heading to our respective shoe lockers to change into our outdoor footwear.

Once we were done, we exited the school and made our way to the Hyōma mentioned.

There was nothing particularly interesting about the route from the school to the cafe. Though, our surroundings got a bit more secluded as we continued.

I merely followed behind Hyōma, who was holding his phone as he used it as his way of guiding us to the cafe.

The cafe that recently opened wasn't like those extravagant ones that were so flashy that your eyes could see it from miles away.

This place was one of the small and peaceful kinds, tucked away in a quiet alleyway.

Hyōma pushed the door open for me, gesturing that I head inside first.

What a gentleman.

I gave him a grateful smile as I entered the cafe, the scent of baked goods and freshly made coffee wafted through the air, a scent so pleasant that it evoked a sense of comfort and warmth.

"The smell of fresh coffee beans are the best." I sighed, choosing the table next to the window for us to dine in.

The atmosphere here was comfortable. It's a great place to enjoy a drink and take a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

The waitress greeted us the moment we sat down on our table, handing both of us a menu of our own.

"What are you gonna get?" Hyōma asked, slightly standing up to look at what page I was eyeing.

"I kinda want something sweet right now since I need something to fill up my energy, so I'm either gonna go for their chocolate parfait or Pudding a la mode." I answered, flipping between the two pages that held the mentioned desserts.

After a few minutes, we called the waitress over to take down our orders.

I ordered the Pudding a la mode while he ordered the chocolate parfait. He stated that he knew I wanted to try the chocolate parfait, so he ordered it for the two of us.

The waitress then left us alone as she went back to the kitchen to inform the staff about our respective orders.

"This place is nice. How'd you hear of it?" I inquired, my eyes darting from the tall, potted plants in the corner to the fancy chandelier that hung from the ceiling.

The furniture of the place was quite plain in contrast. The decor was fairly simple but tasteful with lots of warm colours and natural materials, designed to be relaxing and welcoming for their patrons.

"I heard about it from my sister. Gouta took her and my mom out to eat here." Hyōma answered, his eyes following my own as we admired the comfiness of this cafe.

"Your sister has great taste." I praised, giving a little nod before lowering my gaze back to the table.

After ten minutes of us chatting about whatever popped up in our heads, the waitress came back with our orders.

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