chapter 11 - selfish

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*ೃ༄ third person pov

The young lady thought of the rain as a beautiful and calming phenomenon.

Oblivious to the life it gave, it showered the world, quenching the soil and the life that depend upon it.

The sound of its gentle pitter-patters on the roofs of homes soothed her as it washed away every thought that disturbed her mind, heart, and soul.

The rain was something that stopped her thoughts from buzzing, calmed her, but at the same time, excited the lady.

"Let's share an umbrella, Hyōma." she suggested. Her euphonious voice made him agree right away.

Chigiri held up the umbrella over their heads, carrying their school bags together with one arm.

The afternoon rain shower made Chigiri want to snuggle into his bed and read a novel until he fell asleep in the arms of his lover.

The neighborhood they grew up in was as tranquil as ever, with their footsteps being the only ones that echoed throughout the vicinity.

"I can carry my own bag, you know." Y/n coughed out, feeling guilty even though he was the one who offered to do it.

The whole world seemed caught up in the beauty of this moment, and there was a sense of harmony and peace that pervaded the atmosphere.

"I know." he replied, glancing at her.

When he noticed her eyes already fixated on him, he looked away in response, his ears reddening.

Small acts of kindness like these always made Y/n feel special in a way, especially because they were coming from Chigiri.

Whenever she would eat, he would tug her hair behind her ears to prevent it from obscuring her view and getting into her food.

Whenever she raised her arms and her shirt would slightly get lifted up, he'd stand behind her to make sure no one saw her exposed skin.

He'd do all sorts of services to help lessen the burden on her shoulder, regardless of whether it was a small or big favor.

Oh, how grateful she was to have him.

When they arrived at his place, Y/n was greeted with silence, surprising her as his mom and older sister would usually be there.

"Where are they?" she asked, looking around.

"They're probably hanging out without me again." he huffed, putting down the wet umbrella in its holder.

He took off his shoes and went to his room, where he plopped down their school bags on his bed.

"Do you want to eat anything?" he inquired.

"Not really. Why?" she returned his question with one of her own.

He stated that he wanted to try a recipe he saw online and was wondering if she could be the first taste-tester. It was free food, so Y/n couldn't refuse.

"You can use my bathroom while I cook something for us to eat. Feel free to wear any of my clothes, they're in the closet." Chigiri suggested, making her nod.

Chigiri took out the ingredients he needed to make popcorn chicken and set them down on the counter. He then tied his hair up in a ponytail to avoid it from getting in the way of his cooking.

Meanwhile, Y/n went inside his bathroom to take a shower.

His bathroom wasn't really unfamiliar to her since she's used it in the past whenever they had sleepovers.

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