Running, running...

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Sarah took the craziest decision of her life and, right before the doors closed, flung herself out. Her scarf nearly got caught in the mechanism, and she twisted aside to avoid the terrible fate that would befall her should the cloth get stuck in the doors.

Unfortunately, her cheap heels refused to accommodate the movement, the left one broke cleanly. Her ankle twisted, throwing her off balance and she helplessly plummeted forward. Hands first, she scraped her palms on the concrete before her knee met the ground. A grunt tore from her throat at the sharp pain that greeted the joint.

Shite !

Yet, she ignored the demise of her limbs, turning with a wince to see his tall silhouette mingling with the darkness.

"Wait ! Kudasai !", she cried.

He was still walking, about to leave her life forever and her heart skipped a beat. There was nothing rational in the fear that engulfed her whole, but it squeezed her insides so tightly that she shouted in despair in her mother tongue.

"Please !"

That last cry did not fall on deaf ears, for her turned around at the end of the platform. Even from afar, she saw his eyes widen before he started jogging back to her. She released a breath she didn't know she was holding, tears pricking her eyes in relief.

What now ? She wondered, watching the easy stride of a man. Yes, what now, you wanton woman. What are you going to tell him ?

Struck speechless, she was too fearful to lose him from sight to duck her head in shame. The adrenalin from the fall, and her short pursuit, came crashing down and she shifted to sit sideways. Her knee screamed in pain, both skin and bone, and she hoped nothing was broken. With shaking hands, she pulled the blue fabric over her calf and inspected the joint; dark already capped it, with tiny specks of bloodshot skin. Thankfully, it wasn't bleeding. Where did the blood come from then ? There were tiny droplets smudged over the hem of her long dress.

"Kuso ! Are you alright ?"

A shiver ran down her spine at the rumble of his voice. Unsettled, she lifted her gaze to find those mesmerising orbs. It felt like a mountain had crashed upon her brain, rendering it completely incoherent. A worried frown marred the beautiful stranger's face as he knelt.

"May I ?", he asked gently.

Lost in the contemplation of his face, she started when the warmth of his skin diffused in her hand. He turned the appendage around and swore. The expletive shook her out of her trance, enough for her to inspect the scraped skin. Shit. Her palm was a bleeding mess.

"Do you speak Japanese ?"

"Hai!", she nodded.

He sighed in relief.

"Thank the Kami for small victories. Listen, we need to bandage this, but not on the ground. I've got a first aid kit in my bag. OK ?"

Sarah nodded her assent and gulped, finding her limbs tangled in an unnatural position. She was still shaking from the shock, and didn't struggle when his arms reached for her elbow to help her stand. The stranger was deceptively strong; despite his lithe frame, he took on most of her weight. Shamelessly, she clung to his arm to test her joints; the knee protested vehemently, but the ankle handled it with reasonable pain.

His arms, two bands of steel, did not let go until he was sure she could stand on her own. When he retreated, both his warmth and the soothing scent left her stranded. The broken heel added a difficulty that her leg could not sustain, and she slipped her shoes off with a defeated sigh.

"That's what I get when I listen to well meaning friends. I should never have bought those."

The man frowned, a line creasing his forehead as he took in the discarded shoes.

"Is that the culprit of your fall ?"

The full answer would have been too complex, so she nodded with humour.

"Hai. Stupid shoes."

The corner of his lips crept upwards at her annoyance before a spark lit up in his eyes. Suddenly, he was crowding her, so close that his presence felt overwhelming. He slipped his arms under her back and legs, lifting her up effortlessly. Sarah squeaked in surprise, clinging to his jacket for dear life as he strode with confidence.

In this moment, her mind shut down, overridden by the sensation that swept over her. His smell, soothingly masculine, his touch, intense, the rocking of his gait as they moved, that sharp jaw, right over her nose, that she ached to kiss just to know if he tasted as good as he smelled. In his arms, nothing else mattered that the present moment.

If she had been in possession of her senses, she would have snorted that, at last, she'd managed to master the epitome of the zen attitude. All thanks to a Japanese model. But her mind was too far gone, and she swallowed any protests to enjoy the ride. Her head fell back against his shoulder. Safe, she felt so safe that when he deposited her on the bench, she could only watch him retreat with a dazed look. What was it, with this man, that shut down her hyperactive analytic mind so easily ?

A moment later, resignation settled as she lost him from sight. Was he gone, returning to his wife now that his burden was discarded? Who wouldn't be unsettled by a loony, keen on watching a stranger sleep ? Touching his hair without permission was probably a criminal offense in Japan. Worse, she had followed him in his escape. Too bad he would never know the impression he'd made on her. But again, such a handsome man was probably propositioned daily; he sure wasn't hers to taste.

Grabbing her phone, Sarah shot a quick text to Tomoko to let her know she would head back home. She was in no state to participate in any revelry tonight. Next step: call a cab. The sound of determined footsteps called her attention; Sarah emerged from the screen to watch, fascinated, her savior's approach, hoisting a neat messenger bag.

He was back !

The sleeping man (Hakuouki modern AU - Hijikata)Where stories live. Discover now