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"I really, really don't share, Toshi."

And now, he needed to dig himself out of the hole Shinpachi had just thrown him in. His hands lifted in surrender and he chuckled.

"I only work with men at the academy, you're safe."

Her mischievous grin caught him off guard when she grabbed both his hands and settled them upon her hips.

"I doubt that kept some from propositioning you."

The blush that dusted his cheeks sold him easily and she laughed.

"Ah ! I knew it ! I don't blame anyone, you are irresistible."

Before he could process her words, her mouth was on his, hot and insistent. Her tongue begged for entrance, and he allowed her to explore him, to stake her claim. Then she dipped her head to the side and attacked his jaw, nipping and suckling at will, hands wreaking havoc in his dark tresses. A moan rose from his throat and his hips bucked by instinct, pulling her flush against him.

"Sarah," he growled, knowing that if she went on with her ministrations, he would not be able to hold back.

The young woman stilled, her mouth pulling away to whisper in his ear.

"There is no one else in my life but you."

Something feral unlocked within, the need to state his own claim before she disappeared from his life altogether. He felt his thighs tremble underneath hers as he grabbed her nape, hard, commanding her to watch him. Blown pupils responded to his heated gaze and her sinful lips lifted in a smile.

"Can I have you for starter ?" she asked.

Oh, she wanted to play, ne ?

"You really have a way to mangle dishes," he retorted, licking the corner of her mouth.

The bold contact wrenched a whimper out of her and she plastered herself against him, her supple body waking up specific parts of him. Why resist ? That tantalising shoulder enticed his mouth to take a taste, and he descended upon naked skin with eager nips.

"My creative side – ah ! – knows no bounds," she murmured, fingers carding through his hair with abandon.

Creative, uh ? He did not doubt her a moment. And, speaking of creative, his brain gave one last pang of awareness before he allowed the haze of lust to overturn it altogether.

"Sarah, the food."

The young woman jumped from his lap with a squeak and ran to the kitchen, leaving him bereft of her touch. The noise of a pot and cooking utensils echoed in the room and he eventually found the will to join her. The young woman was in the process of adjusting the fire to the minimum. Hair askew, she looked so lovely, so wild. On her bare shoulder, redness betrayed how his lips had feasted on her skin.

When she turned to him, a gleam of hunger passed in her eyes.

"The roast will simmer for the next hour. Come on, let us do the same."

Simmer, he snorted mentally. I'm more of the burning type. He would show her, the little vixen, what happened when you pulled the tiger by the tail. Oblivious, Sarah grabbed his hand, and dragged him to her bedroom. Not an instant was spent on observing the room, too consumed he was by the sight of her.

Not all clothes flew off the first time, so impatient she was to ... simmer. No, the first time was fiery and passionate, all doubts discarded as he took her beautiful body, hand exploring every single curve, relishing in the softness of sanity skin and the roundness of her hips. She was so darn enticing he nearly finished on the spot. But he held fast, male pride and all.

The sleeping man (Hakuouki modern AU - Hijikata)Where stories live. Discover now