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She stood there, wondering if her long overdue visit would be welcome – or not. But something was still nagging at the back of her mind. A possibility, and that stupid longing to kiss him at least once before she left that wonderful country. Japan, country of the rising sun. Or, as the kanji wrote - 日本 国 - land of the origin of the sun.

Well then, time to get burnt. Would she manage, this time, to ask for the favour ? He'd left the taxi, two weeks prior, with a gentle smile. One that softened the lines of his face with an efficiency akin to sleep. And she'd been taken by the deep, overwhelming need to grab his jacket and drag him back against her, to carve the gift of his taste in her long memory.

If I could kiss you once, I'd die happy.

The words were never uttered. Resigned, and a little disgruntled by her lack of daring, she'd been ready to watch him leave her life forever. Until he caught her eyes, and gave her just the tip of a leash to call her back to him.

"I teach kendo on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5 to 7pm at Hakuōki academy."

So there she stood, now, at 7pm in front of the very same dojo. He was an impressive man; from their conversation in the taxi, before they dropped him off at his flat, she'd learnt that he was a literature teacher as well. Many hats, all of them enjoyed to various degrees. Enough to make a man crumble to his knees... or fall asleep on his neighbour in the train.

She knew, as well, how unyielding he could be; a man with a spine of steel. Their battle about who would pay the taxi had waged for a good ten minutes before she eventually conceded. Not many would push back when she was set on a course. As shy as she was, Sarah could upturn entire neighbourhoods when her mind was set. Her colleagues knew not to upset her, because then... life could become pretty painful in the office.

But Toshi-san had held fast, claiming that he was honour bound to pay for that course. No matter how she shifted the angle, he proved as stubborn as she. In the end, Sarah enjoyed the challenge, and she conceded to stroke his own pride; his way to attune for the blunder of falling asleep on her shoulder.

So Sarah stood here, like a butterfly seeking its flame, knowing her wings were about to burn. He was dangerous; what if he wormed his way into her heart, only for her to leave afterwards ? Three times, already, she had stood on those very steps without daring passing the threshold. Three times she had turned tail, too much of a coward to pull through. It was unfair to him, after all, right ?

Her heart plummeted again, the fierce need to flee fuelling energy in her legs. Why did she keep coming back if she was keen on abandoning him ?

"May I help you ?"

Sarah jumped, startled by newcomer.

"Ah, gomen nasai, I didn't mean to startle you."

A bulky frame, genuine brown eyes that seemed to laugh, and a gentle face greeted her. The man was dressed in a fine tailored suit, his dark brown hair spiking around face, emphasizing the squared jaw. He inspired trust, and she found herself spilling her guts with a blush.

"Ah, yes. I was hoping to find Toshizō-san."

Given she had forgotten his last name, this was the best she could do. But given how the stranger's eyes widened before a large smile bloomed on his face, he seemed to know exactly who she was talking about.

"Oh, sure. He's probably finishing the class. They tend to run a bit late now with the nationals."

"Nationals ?"

"Yes, the Kendo competition is coming up soon, and we have a few students that might make it."

Impressed, Sarah jutted her chin out.

"Wow, that's great."

The man nodded with obvious satisfaction.

"Yes, I'm proud of them. But come on, I'll take you there. I'm sure Toshi will be happy to see you."

Not so sure myself, but I can't backtrack now, can I ? She couldn't ignore the way he'd called Toshizō either; this was probably a close colleague. Sarah followed him through corridors that smelt of polished wood and sweat, her heart beating wildly. She discreetly wiped her hands against her pencil skirt, willing the nervousness to go away as the man told him more about the national competition. It seemed like two of his students were little geniuses; one of the names seemed familiar.

At last, they ended up in the main room. Practise was in full swing, a swarm of black and white forms wielding bokken and shinai. Some wore armours, directed by a man with glasses. Other did not as they practised their forms. And in that sea of hormonal teenagers stood the very man that plagued her mind, night and day. His dark hair was plastered to his skull, droplets of sweat running down his neck. Intense training caused his keikogi to gape over his upper chest, offering a tantalising view over coiled muscles.

Hoping to hide her blush, Sarah ducked behind the heavy frame of her escort. Unfortunately, the man himself was a local celebrity, for a youth called out to him.

"Oh ! Hey Kondō-san !"

Kondō ? This was the school director ?

"Focus, Sōji !"

The sharp scolding was assorted with a swat and Sarah smiled; she knew that voice. That commanding energy. He had quite the temper, and she had to admit her fondness. Instead of returning to his exercise, though, the tall youth whined loudly.

"Ouch, Hijikata-san, always the mood killer."

Hijikata, that was his name ! Intrigued, Sarah took a step aside to observe the teenager who weathered the stormy mood of his instructor, only to get caught by a pair of mischievous green eyes.

"Nee, Kondō-san. Who is this ?"

The activity froze as all heads turned to her. So much for being inconspicuous. A smile bloomed on the teenager's face, a dangerous expression that promised swift retribution to whomever dared squaring off with him.

"Sarah ?"


The sleeping man (Hakuouki modern AU - Hijikata)Where stories live. Discover now