Loosing ground

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Her lips were soft and pliant, fiery braid falling over her shoulder as she kissed him. The contrast couldn't have been more jarring, and he pulled away before the drop of sweat running down the side of his face could mark the collar of her silk blouse.

Hidden in the corridor, Sarah had just pulled him away after an hour of harrowing kendo session.

"There," she handed him a heavy bag. "I brought some dinner for the guys. It's nothing fancy, just sandwiches and fruits but I bet it beats an umpteenth rice roll."

Toshizō's shoulders slumped slightly, relief mingling with regret. How she'd found the time to cook for them while finishing her luggage was beyond him, but he was pretty sure she wished to sit with him for a while. But it just wasn't as things worked.

"Ah, arigatō, Sarah. We'll eat when the session is over."

The glimmer of hope faded from her eyes as she swallowed and guilt surged in his gut. Yet, he knew she wouldn't ask.

"Oh, alright. I'll see you tonight ?"

Meaning, before she fell asleep. After the Gion Festival, he'd taken to drop by her apartment after his classes. But with the kendo nationals in three weeks, and the start of a new semester, he more often than not found her deeply asleep when he made it. If the cuddles were worth it, he was starting to wonder how far he could push before she got pissed and shut him out.

His burdens were his to bear, not hers. To see the circles under his eyes shared because she'd rather make love to him rather than sleep at a reasonable hour was a thorn in his side. Sarah's hand squeezed his, and his gaze fell upon their intertwined fingers.

"I'll do my best," he breathed.

"You'll have time to drill your students into the mats without having to take care of a nagging woman for the next two weeks."

His eyes snapped back to her; the teasing tone couldn't hide the disappointment that danced in those mesmerising pools. Tomorrow, she would leave to visit her family and his first class prevented him from driving her to the airport. Some companion he was ! He hoped she would use the time to recover while he undertook his very own marathon. To think that, even though five minutes to breathe would be a luxury, he would still miss her.


Her hand shot up to cut any apology short.

"It's alright, I understand."

But it hurts all the same. It's written in your eyes.

Oblivious of his inner turmoil, Sarah framed his damp cheeks to drop another kiss on his lips. The fact that he was covered in sweat did not deter her from seeking more contact, and he felt her hand slide at his nape. Then...

"I love you, Toshi. I'll see you later."

Stunned, the kendo sensei watched the sway of her hips as she retreated.

She loves me still.

He allowed himself a minute before he returned to the main room. Tonight, just like the past week and the next three, he ran intensive courses in hopes to hoist some of his best students to the finals. A victory in the national championship would mean consecration for the academy, as well as subventions. Making it to the final or semi-final was sure to attract enough attention. So much rested on his shoulders, and Toshizō refused to back down.

Ever since that visit to Yagi house, he embraced his stubbornness and ploughed on. If Sarah believed he might be the reincarnation of the Oni no Fukuchō, no one would stand in the way of the academy's success.

The sleeping man (Hakuouki modern AU - Hijikata)Where stories live. Discover now