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Toshizō fidgeted in his purple yukata, wondering, for the umpteenth time, if inviting Sarah to join his bunch of rowdy coll... friends for the Matsuri had been such a smart idea. He could always ditch them...

Perhaps if he walked fast enough, he could find her and steer them clear of the group. After all, the Fussa Firefly Festival was the perfect romantic event, hence the reason why Harada was here with both Masa – his wife - and their son. Kondō-san had declined, citing a family event – his mother-in-law's birthday. Every man knew not to decline such an invitation, under pain of social death.

This left him between Sanan and Shinpachi, nervous like a schoolboy.

"Oï ! There she is !"

His eyes zeroed on a woman perched upon a set of stairs. Her fiery strands were braided in a crown, thick and silky, causing her pale skin to shine in the sun. A light blue yukata clad her frame, creating a perfect contrast with the red of her hair. A low whistle echoed by his side.

"Lucky bastard."

Toshizō tried to tune out Shinpachi's admiration, very hard, to take in the beauty that awaited him. He suddenly felt incredibly inadequate, for he was the only one to know that beyond the gorgeous façade resided an incredible mind. Frozen on the spot, he nearly ignored Shinpachi's next words. Nearly.

"Look at those boo..."

SLAP ! Kami, that felt good. Shinpachi ducked his head to massage his abused skull.

"Ow, don't be a sourpuss, Hijikata-san. It is unfair you should be the only one to admire those curves."

Aha. Toshizō turned around precipitately, his cheeks heating up at the thought of Sarah's curves, bared for his eyes. But they had not gone further than that one kiss in the street; this was only their second date after all.

"Don't tell me you haven't..."

"Shin ! I would advise you to close your mouth before the demon vice deputy makes you eat them," Harada suddenly chuckled. Appalled, Toshizō turned to his colleagues. Sanan's smirk was devious as he nonchalantly stated: "Albeit you are not that wrong, Nagakura-kun."

"I knew I would regret this," Toshizō sighed.

"Don't," Harada interjected. "It's good she gets to know us, she'll see a lot of us in the future."

What future ? She's still on that transfer list to leave the country.

A gentle nudge pushed him forward, and he took a deep breath. Then, squaring his shoulders, he walked through the crowd. People darted out of his path and he wondered, for once, if his namesake's ancestor energy didn't flow through his veins after all. He felt like a commander striding through a throng of villagers; his aim was clear.

Sarah's blue eyes were open in wonder, watching stalls and people with childlike wonder. And when spotted him, a wide, true smile split her face.

"Hey," she greeted him. "I was afraid I'd messed up the address."

He bowed formally, overwhelmed by the joy that danced in his heart to be able to share with her a festival he'd always adored. What would she think of it ? Would the crowd indispose her ? The noise and smells ? Would she love that special spot he always claimed by the river side tonight ? Enjoy traditional fare ?

So many questions; it was unlike him to feel so uncertain, but those ocean-deep eyes were his undoing.

" Konnichiwa," he rumbled. "That yukata suits you well."

A comely blush dusted her cheekbones at the compliment, and he offered his arm. Sarah circled it with a beaming smile and he led her back to his friends, heart and mind settling with the strength of her presence. "Purple really is your colour," she remarked.

The sleeping man (Hakuouki modern AU - Hijikata)Where stories live. Discover now