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"Another time, perhaps ?"

Toshizō dived into her eyes, taking his fill of genuine fondness before he squeezed her hand.

"Another time."

A genuine smile bloomed upon her face, and he forgot out to breathe such was the brilliance of her expression; high cheekbones and sunkissed skin complimented natural rosy lips, and he suddenly longed to kiss them senseless. His attraction to a foreigner surprised him at first, but he surmised her eccentricity was only the tree that hid the forest. More than anything, it was both her mind and her open heart that lured him in.

Her views, unshackled by the traditions of his country, brought a different depth of acceptance. With her, he did not need to be anything else than what he decided to be. Sarah didn't expect him to be perfect at his job; he could stumble, and she would open her arms to support him. Grumble, and she would sit with him, and offer help. Fall into bed, exhausted and depressed, and she would mould her body around his and caress his hair until he fell asleep.

He wore no mask with her, for she saw everything he was in a glance. To escape the chains of his conditions – to be a model Japanese man – was more freeing that anything he'd ever experienced. Perhaps she was right after all – the legendary Toshizō Hijikata could ever keep his place either.

So when they walked away from the mon of Yagi house, it felt like leaving a burden of a thousand tons behind. The past was the past, and today, he was adamant to be the best literature teacher to his students, and to make the kendo tournament finals. And, perhaps, to buy a proper Kansashi for the delicious lady who just claimed...

Love ?

No, he couldn't think about this too hard; she was still on that blasted transfer list. She could not love him that way if she intended to leave. How long did he have ? A day, a month, a year ? Her impending departure should have prevented him from pursuing a relationship with her, but he couldn't help himself. In any case, her presence in his life had set him on a different path, one unburdened by what others expected of him.

And, Sarah was still there, after all, right ? And so off they went, in direction of Gion, braving the rain that slowly abated until it was but a tickle. And only then did he realise that the umbrella was the one he offered her at the Matsuri, a month prior.

"You kept it ?" he mused, watching the soaked rice paper that hung too close over his head because of their heigh difference.

"Of course," Sarah quipped. "It was the first thing you offered me."

Her tone betrayed such fondness for a simple wagashi paper umbrella that he refrained from revealing that it might disintegrate with the rain in fear of seeing her beautiful smile wane. There was something so bright, so genuine in that easy expression that he swore he would do his utmost to keep it permanently fixed upon her beautiful features.

Definitely a kansashi.

Toshizō linked his arm around her waist to pull her close, relishing in the joy that flooded his every limb. Walking beside Sarah was so easy; their every moment infused with a strong sense of normalcy, as if they belonged together. To think he'd been happily alone, but a few months prior, rejecting the very idea of dating to avoid complications. And now...

"You know, my name is also a bit heavy to bear, " she teased.

"Really ? Whose Sarah are you named after ?"

Her shoulders tensed, and for a moment, he wondered if she would respond altogether. Mirth fled her eyes, replaced by awkwardness. Toshizō lifted THE eyebrow – one that worked wonders on his students; she caved in.

The sleeping man (Hakuouki modern AU - Hijikata)Where stories live. Discover now