Of public displays

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"Oi! Why are you all crowding her ?"

Hijikata appeared behind them, hair dripping wet and fresh shirt set over his trimmed chest. The scowl he wore caused all the men to stiffen, but one. Curiously, Kondō wasn't the one immune to Hijikata's ire, but the medic. He turned to his friend with a smirk, spectacles flashing.

"There is no need to scowl, Hijikata-kun. Sarah was just entertaining us with the circumstances of your meeting."

A flash of panic passed over Toshizō's face before Sarah addressed him a meaningful look.

"Yes, how you saved my knee."

Hijikata caught himself at once, squaring his shoulders.

"How does it feel, by the way ?"

Sarah chose to forgo telling him about the first sleepless nights she'd endured; that stupid knee had stung like bitch for at least three days, and still wasn't healed completely.

"Still a little sore, but no damage."

"Did you take an X-ray ?" Sanan asked.

Sarah addressed him a nod.

"I did. It's all fine, but the bruising took a while to settle. I'll be good as new in no time."

"Good," Toshizō concluded.

"Don't let him cook, Sarah-san !" a voice called from the locker door. "That would be an awful way to die."

Many chuckles greeted this statement and a slight blush dusted Toshizō's cheekbones. There was the youngster's revenge to his earlier brawl.

"Urusei !" he called to a snickering Sōji. "And you could stop laughing, you know !"

Sarah couldn't contain her mirth at the gentle teasing; they were as ruthless with him as he was on the mats. By her side, the head nurse whispered: "That's unfortunately not too far for from the truth, but don't let it stop you."

His eyes sparkled, as if laden with secrets he would gladly share with her.

"Oi ! You're supposed to support me ! Some friends you are !" he thundered.

And then, before silence could settle and awkward questions be asked, he gestured for the door.

"Let's go."

Sarah bit back a smile; in this moment, he reminded her of Sesshōmaru, the stoic lord of the west and dog demon, with his traditional Ikuzo. But Hijikata had offered a sortie, and she was way too giddy to explore their relationship to remain amongst nosy friends. This Sanan guy, particularly, possessed a keen look; she wouldn't be surprised if he'd caught a few discrepancies in her story.

Sarah's back tingled when Toshizō's hand brushed against her jacket, she wanted nothing more than to hold it.

Addict, she snorted in her mind.

Yes, and ?

They started heading to the train station, both on autopilot as the silence grew between them. No one seemed too keen on addressing the elephant in the room.

"I understand why you spend so much time at work," Sarah hinted. "You have a good circle of friends."

"Ha. We've all worked our asses off to get this school working. Our reputation comes from the Kendo club, mostly, so I want to make those finals. Fortunately, I think Saitō is going to rock it. And as much as I loathe to admit it, Okita too."

"Okita ?"

Toshizō gave her a thoughtful look.


"Oh, that one," Sarah chuckled. "He is always that challenging ?"

He released a long-suffering sigh.

"To me, yes. Sanan is the only one that keeps him in line."

She wasn't surprised; that medic was scary. But Toshizō handled it pretty well.

"It's good you are sturdy, then. I would have killed him a long time ago."

Her assessment called a smile to his lips. The lack of censure she showed after his earlier lack of control – Sōji really knew how to get under his skin – warmed his heart. Somehow, her company was enough to quell his usual need for a cigarette.

He'd been pretty stunned to see her again; after three weeks wondering if she would show up, Toshizō had all but abandoned the idea. But she was there, now, and Sōji's antics, as well as his disproportionate response to it, had not sent her running to the hills. Perhaps he still stood a chance. And so, like a man, he gathered his courage and stopped to face her.

"Tell me, Sarah, why are you here ?"

His bluntness seemed to cause her heart to jump; she released a stuttered breath and lifted her mesmerising blue eyes to him.

"I was hoping to invite you for dinner."

His lips quirked into a smile. Then he threw her to the wolves.

"Out of the question," he answered, tone final.

Thunder falling at her feet would have been less shocking, and she felt blood drain from her face. Rejection had been in the pool of possibilities, hence the reason why she had procrastinated so much in the first place. But to expect it wasn't the same as to face it.

"Oh," she breathed, looking at her shoes to blink tears away.

Her hand was suddenly engulfed in a warm one, skin humming against hers.

"Sarah... wherever we go, whenever we go, I'm paying. Come on, I know a great place if you like traditional food."

But she wasn't moving, too shocked by the sudden about turn for her legs to work. Toshizō's bend down to look her in the eye, finding her slightly dazed.

"Sarah ? Are you alright ?"

"I... uh. Yeah. I just..."

Should she explain he'd just caused her a heart attack ? His genuinely concerned expression betrayed that he was completely unaware of what he'd done. The warmth of his palm against hers begged for more, and she followed the siren's call. She took a step, then another, then a third to lay her head against his shoulder. He allowed the contact, waiting with bated breath as she inhaled his masculine scent. For a moment, the world seemed to stop spinning as she took her fill of him.

Then she lifted her chin and looked him in the eye. After nearly sending her to the hospital with a crushed heart, he owed her one.

"You know," she whispered. "When you left the taxi, I berated myself for so long..."

"Why?" he murmured, his breath fanning over her reddening cheeks.

"I wanted," she started. Her throat dried up, tongue-tied. "I thought if I could kiss you just once, then I would die happy."

Violet eyes widened in shock; yes, this was incredibly bold of her. But she'd be damned if she backtracked again. Sarah moistened her lips in anticipation, the instinctive move calling his gaze down. When he ducked, she met him eagerly, inhaling his scent like a woman starved. His mouth found hers in a shy, gentle kiss.

His lips were warm and supple, his taste a delight. Before he could retreat, she swiped her tongue along the seam of his mouth, just to tease. His sharp intake of breath told her she was as affected as she was, and he slid his other arm around her waist. Her fingers found his nape, caressing wet hair. They did not remain long; public displays of affection were frowned upon in Japan. Especially with potential students roaming around.

Yet, that kiss was a promise for more. More time, more conversation, more hugs. When he released her, she found his cheekbones dusted with a blush. His eyes bore into hers, intense.

"There," he whispered, pecking her lips once more. "Do not die, I would like to do it again."

The sleeping man (Hakuouki modern AU - Hijikata)Where stories live. Discover now