Always prepared

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The man addressed her a reassuring smile, his sharp feature softening when he settled it at his feet. As he rummaged through to fish out disinfectant and gauze, Sarah's eyebrows shot up, incredulous. She didn't know what surprised her more; his return, or the fact that he seemed equipped like a nurse.

"You always got that in your bag ?"

"Ha. Sanan-san says to be always prepared in case those baka..."

His head shot up, eyes widening. Had he really compared her to the idiots he usually handled at school ? The deputy director pinched the bridge of his nose, smearing disinfectant on his forehead with the compress. He jerked the offending item away from his face with a scowl, fumbling for words.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to imply..."

Could he be more awkward, really ? Shinpachi would have a blast kicking his ass all the way to Butsumetsu. Surprisingly, his blunder was not met with anger, but amusement. The young woman reached for his wayward hand, tapping the skin playfully as she smiled. He stiffened, undone by both the contact and the easy expression that suited her so well. By the Kami, those wide blue eyes would be his undoing, she was drop dead gorgeous. Especially in that evening dress that hugged those delicious curves.

When she turned bashful and retreated, he would have kicked himself for his reaction.

"Sorry", she said, the words rolling off her tongue with an unplaceable accent. "I forget people don't touch easily here. From where I'm from, it's normal to touch friends."


Harada and Shinpachi were the type to brawl, but they kept their hands away from him, especially since he could kick their asses big time in the dojo. Truly, Kondō was the only one that dared touching him. Keeping his hands busy, he reached for her bruised palm and swiped it gently. In less than an hour, he surmised he'd touched and been touched more than in the past ten years.

A hiss of pain caused him to cringe, but there was nothing to be done. The skin was badly scraped, one of the cuts still bleeding. As for her knee, it might need an X-ray. At best, it would swell and ache for a good few weeks. Worst case scenario: torn ligaments, crutches and physiotherapy. For a moment, she allowed him to work in peace. Focused on his task, he tried to be as efficient as possible, grateful that she let him.

When she broke the silence, he struggled to hear her. Her voice was low, almost shameful and he couldn't help but search her gaze.

"I was happy to be a friendly shoulder."

And what a wonderful, friendly shoulder she had been; his mind was still slightly fuzzy from the pure sensation of peace he'd felt as he dozed off by her side. Somehow, her touch had not registered like that of a stranger, and it puzzled him.

"This is what I wanted to tell you when I followed you in the station", she admitted, her cheekbones dusting with red. "And I'm sorry if it looks bad. You just looked so exhausted..."

Toshizō's eyes widened at her boldness. Incredulous, he rocked back on his heels, sitting at her feet with shock.

"You followed me to tell me this ?"

The blush intensified under the faint layer of make-up she was wearing, and the young woman ducked her head.

"You seemed mortified. I... it felt wrong to let you go like this."

He couldn't believe his ears. That young woman, over whom he'd literally fallen asleep without warning, had done this number on herself just to ensure he didn't commit a well-deserved seppuku. She sure was something else ! Laughter and indignation battled in the confines of his mind, and he took a deep breath to ground himself.

The sleeping man (Hakuouki modern AU - Hijikata)Where stories live. Discover now