Chapter 14 - Unexpected Situations

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Chapter 14 - Unexpected Situations

Deidara's POV

That beautiful woman is unbelievable! I don't think I've ever met someone like her. That perfect body. That beautiful long hair...that's just like mine...those amazing breasts of hers...

"I think I'm in love." I say out loud to no one in particular. I watched her movements while she danced with Sasori. Her hair slowly swayed over her shoulders...her eyes sparkled in the darkness...that woman needed to be mine. Now. (Deidara's a perv!)

I scanned the table for her drink. Aha, I thought as I spotted it on a round table. I looked up and made sure no one was watching me as I took out a bottle that had sleeping powder in it. I poured some into her drink and mixed it with the Piña Colada. I held her drink on my right hand and my own on my left as I made my way over to her.

"Sasori-" I heard her say as Sasori began to make a move on her. Heck no. I thought. I needed to get rid of him...

"Sasori my man." I said. Sasori turned around and glared at me, obviously annoyed that I had interrupted his moment with Ino. I blinked back innocently. "Your car was towed away! Apparently it was parked in the wrong place. I tried to tell the man not to tow it but he didn't listen to me!"

"What!? You baka!" He scowled. "I told you to park it in a secure place! Why can't you ever listen?" Sasori looked over at Ino. "Sorry I need to fix this. I'll be back though! For you my angel." I rolled my eyes and laughed as he left.

"Is he going to be-"

"He'll be fine." I assured her. Ino looked over at me with those amazing green eyes of hers. "Now I bet your thirsty. Here's your drink. Dancing for a long period of time can be very exhausting." She took the drink and took a large sip.

" tastes a bit odd..." She began to examine her drink. I took this moment to grab her hand and kiss it, distracting her and making her face turn red.

"How about dancing with me now?" Her eyes sparkled, but she hesitated.

"Ok-" She nodded. I grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor. We made eye contact as we danced.

God she's so beautiful...

Suddenly she stopped and placed her hand on her forehead. I smirked knowing that the drink had taken affect.

Now only a few moments until...

"I feel dizz-" she fainted. I quickly caught her and carried her bridal style outside. When people looked at me suspiciously I replied with: "She drank too much." And walked straight ahead. I placed her in the backseat of Sasori's car, poor guy didn't know I parked it behind the club.

"Don't worry babe, everything's going to be all right..." I said to her as got in the driver's seat. "We'll be fine in our hotel...alone." I smirked and turned on the car.

Hinata's POV

"EH?" Naruto was taken a back, surprised. I had even surprised myself that I would say something so stupid.

"No sorry! I m-meant um..." He probably thinks I'm a baka now...

"Sure Hinata," he replied and kissed me again.

"Huh?" I blinked. Did he just say yes?

"Your idea is brilliant! Why didn't I think of that!?" he smiled. "If we run away, we can avoid your father and anyone else who is trying to separate us. My parents, before they died, had left me a lot of money just for me. We can live together with that money. I will protect you, and make sure you have everything you need..." he kept on blabbing more things but I felt the tears coming. Why would he do so much just for me!? He could easily forget about me and move on with his life, but instead he chose not too. It makes me! I feel like I'm safe with he's the only one I need in my life.

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