Chapter 23 - You're Nothing

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Chapter 23 - You're Nothing

Few Hours Later

Kakashi's POV

There are many mistakes I regret in my life. Many that have caused me pain and sorrow throughout my 30 years of life.

Sakura is not one of them.

Once I made it out of Rin's office, I quickly walked toward the exit doors of the building to find my car, but not before I heard my name being called by Asuma Sarutobi, one of my old friends from high school, who is currently a teacher like me.

"Kakashi, wait a moment!"

I stopped and turned around. "What is it?"

"What did Rin say to you?" he caught up to me. "Is everything okay between you two?"

"Everything's fine. Nothing important happened." I told him. "But I need to go now."

Asuma wasn't convinced. "Are you sure nothing happened? Because that looked pretty intense to me."

"I'm sure, it's nothing. She's just wanting to revive our past relationship, but I refused and well, she rebelled. It can't be helped."

Asuma nodded slowly. "Where are you going now?"

"I'm..." I hesitated on telling him. "I'm going to see how Sakura is doing at the hospital."

He gave me a look. Ok, I expected that.

"You're going to see her after all that's happened? Let me give you some advice, Kakashi. I don't think that's a good idea. In fact, if I were you I'd stop this immediately. Messing around with a student is not something that's taken lightly."

"I'm not messing with her."

"Do you really believe that? Because I think you are. I think you did all this just to fill in that wound you had since Rin left you."

"Absolutely not!" I scoffed at him. "I got over Rin a long time ago. I don't have any more remorse over what happened. I only care about Sakura, I want to be with her."

Asuma laughed. "A student, Kakashi? I didn't think you'd go so low as to sleep with some kid from your class. That's beyond stupid, even for you."

I grabbed Asuma's dress shirt collar and pushed him to my car door in anger.

"You know what Asuma? I don't want to hear any of your bs. If you're just going to insult me and Sakura, I suggest you just stay out of my business, or else you'll have to face the consequences with me."

"Kakashi you're making a mistake. You don't even know if Sakura is really the person you believe her to be!"

"Oh shut up!" I raised my fist to his face.

"Whoa, ok ok. Calm down, Kakashi." I let go of him. He fixed his suit."Ok, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to look out for you."

"If you really think like that, don't try to separate me from Sakura." I told him.

Asuma nodded. "Ok. But come on? You have the option to be with Rin again, why don't you take it?"

"I already told you." I sighed. I was getting tired of having to repeat myself. "I'm over her. We each took a different path and that path made us end up with other people. She went with Obito. I ended up loving Sakura. I can't undo it like if nothing happened, even if Rin says everything was a mistake. It's too late to change things."

"So you mean to say nothing she does will make you change your mind?" Asuma asked.

"Definitely not."

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