Chapter 19 - Just Do It

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Chapter 19 - Just Do It

Sakura's POV

I love Kakashi.

I most definitely, with all my heart; with everything I have, love him.

I know it sounds cheesy, but that's the way I feel. Many would probably argue that I'm just doing this so I could get better grades, or so I could have something really cool to brag about and become really popular.

However, I have the highest grades in all my classes, and I use to date Sasuke Uchiha, the most popular guy in our school. I didn't need any help school help from Kakashi. And I certainly didn't need to gain any popularity, nor did I want it.

Then, what do I gain from being with Kakashi Hatake?

My answer: Love. He makes me feel loved. He makes me feel secure. He makes me feel...wanted. He sees the true me, not the young smarty-pants girl who all she does is study, but the real me. A woman in love with him, capable of risking anything for him.

He knows that, and because of that, I won't let anyone take him away from me.


He held me bridal style, as he took me out of his car. I held onto him tight as he unlocked the door to his house, and let us both inside. It was dark in there, so he turned on a light and made his way to his bedroom.

He placed me gently on his bed, and I stared up at him. I smiled, and he smiled back. Kakashi began to take off his buttoned shirt, and I lay there gazing up at him.

There was definitely no hesitation this time. Today, I will give myself up to him.

Once he was shirtless, he went on top of me. The same sexy abs I had saw that day when I accidentally walked in on him lifting weights, are back. They were touching my stomach. I loved that feeling.

He placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me. I roamed my hands on his abs, slowly reaching down to his pants. He kissed my neck, while gently touching my thighs. I moaned a bit from his touch.

I pushed him back and sat up.

"Take it off," I said, referring to my school shirt.

"Are you sure?" he asked, looking at me. 

"Yes, I love you Kakashi. Just do it." (A/N: JUST DO IT! XD)

Without saying anything else, he did what he was told. I lifted my arms up while he removed my shirt, leaving me in my black pink polka-dotted bra.

He smiled again, looking down at me. "You're beautiful, Sakura Haruno." I blushed when he said that.

Kakashi proceeded to remove all other clothing I had on, and I let him. I went right ahead also and removed all of his, my blush increasing. Then we layed there, naked, and on top of each other. 

He kissed me in places I never thought could be kissed. He held me gently and did things that made me moan like crazy. Never had I experienced such pleasure.

We were two people in love, together at his house, doing something we will always remember for the rest of our lives.

I'll never forget this day, the day Kakashi first made love to me.


Hinata's POV

Meeting Jiraiya the legendary Sanin was very enthralling. I don't think I've ever seen him around before, but according to Naruto, he is a very important man.

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