Chapter 21 - Please Forgive Me

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Chapter 21 - Please Forgive Me

Hinata's POV

The room was quiet when I walked in. Both my father and my so-called fiancé turned to look at me. I could feel my father's gaze as I walked in, like if his eyes were watching my every move, which he most likely was knowing him.

As I reached the table, I took close notice of the man sitting next to my father. I raised my eyebrows slightly as I realized he is undoubtedly handsome, with hair that was combed and put into a small neat ponytail. Huh, I didn't think my father would be able to get a man like him to marry me.

I also noticed this person's eyes were dark, but seemed to brighten as I entered the room. He smiled and stood up as I reached him and my father. Looking at him this closely makes me think that he could actually be a worthy candidate to become my husband. I'm sure he could make any girl happy.

But not me. Because he is not my Naruto-kun.

"Hello," I greeted my father and the unknown man. "I'm sorry if I took long, sometimes I just lose track of time, I'm so busy these days."

The man looked like he was going to speak, but my father quickly stood up and looked directly at me. "Ah, yes, it's alright my daughter. I understand you have so many issues to attend, but do realize that today is a very important day." Then he turned to the man. "This is my daughter, Hinata."

I bowed at him and the man did the same.

"A pleasure to meet you, Hinata Hyuga," The man spoke, and I noticed that his voice was deep. "I am Itachi Uchiha, oldest son of Fugaku Uchiha. You may know Sasuke, my younger brother. He attends the same school as you."

I gasped. I did not expect to hear that from him. Wait a second, Sasuke has an older brother?! Why did I not know of this? Why didn't Sakura ever tell me about this?

Father glared at me since I rudely gasped in front of Itachi. I quickly re-focused and regained my composure.

Remember you must keep acting normal. Especially in front of Father.

"Wow that's very shocking. I had no idea Sasuke had an older brother," Much less more handsome. "But anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you as well!" I forced a smile. He smiled back. I can't believe this handsome man is related to Sasuke.

I wonder how old he is...and why he decided to marry me.

"Would you care to join me for some dinner?"

"Of course!" I replied. He pulled the chair out for me and I sat down giving him a thank you. 

"I shall go attend some other issues now," Father said. "If you two need anything, feel free to ask one of the servants."

"Thank you Father," I told him meeting his eyes. He replied back with a face saying 'don't screw this up or else'. I smiled in a way that assured him everything will be fine. With that said, Father turned and walked away with Ko trailing behind him. Ko took one last look at me and smiled, then shut the door behind them.

Now I'm alone with Itachi Uchiha.

The servants arrived with our food and while I sat across from him, I felt nervous and looked down. It's a habit of mine whenever I'm uncomfortable I can't look anywhere else but my lap. And the fact that I'm alone with a stranger makes me nervous. I don't know exactly where I got this habit, but all I know is that I can't look at Itachi Uchiha now without wanting to run away.

I wish Naruto was the one I was forced to marry. At least I would marry him knowing how much I love him. I wonder what he's up to...

"Hinata look at me," Itachi's voice sounded cold, like if he was annoyed. I gulped and forced myself to look up and stare into his dark eyes.

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