Chapter 9 - The Problems Begin

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Chapter 9 - The Problems Begin

Naruto's POV

"Hinata-chan what's wrong?" She started crying on my shoulder.

"Naruto...I can't do it..."

"What can't you do?" I asked.

"My father is trying to make me marry him...I don't want to marry someone I don't know." She explained. "I'm not ready for that...I'm too young, and the worst part is I don't love him."


I was shocked that I didn't say anything. How could her own father do this to her?

I hugged her tightly while she sobbed on my shoulder.

"Hinata-chan...I'll take you someone where you can forget all of this." I said. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Please do." She whispered.

Kakashi's POV

"Guy stop!" I yelled.

Guy was almost going to reach the door but he missed the knob and fell face flat on the floor.

"Guy?" I went up to him and shook him. "Hey Guy are you alright?" I heard snoring.

Should have known he wouldn't last.

"Kakashi?" I heard Sakura open the door. I heard her gasp. "Is that Mr.Guy!?"

"Yes it is. Now don't tell anyone you saw him like this." I tell her. I saw her nodd and I pulled Guy's legs over to the living room.

"Is he going to be okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. Although were going to need to take him to his house. He can't stay here. And he definetly can't see you." I said.

"So...your going to take him there?"

"Yes. I have no choice."

"Let's go then."

~15 minutes later

Were in the car, I had put Guy in the backseat since he was knocked out.

"Is Mr.Guy always like this?" she asked

"Well...he's only drunk when he starts seeing our friends have their girlfriends. He becomes very...upset since he doesn't have one himself. He only came to me because he knows I don't have one, even though I do now." I saw her blush slightly

"Right..." She said. "But...isn't drinking...unyouthful?"

"I thought so too but according to him, drinking gives you energy to face the 'consequences' so I don't know how that works." She laughed at Guy's stupidity.

"Must...have...girlfriend..." Guy said suddenly. Sakura froze.

"Don't worry he's just talking in his sleep. Always happens."

Sakura's POV

I turn to look at him and he was sprawled onto the backseat scratching his butt.

Eww...well this is the same guy who had a whip in class

"I wouldn't watch him of I were you. He does things you shouldn't see when he is asleep." I quickly turned around and sat there watching ahead.

"Ha babe your so adorable." He laughed. I looked away embarrassed.

"Were here." Kakashi pulls over at a small house.

"You wait here while I take him to his house."

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