Chapter 20 - Rin's Hatred

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Chapter 20 – Rin's Hatred

Rin's POV

Guy looked at me curiously. "What do you mean by that? You don't mean Kakashi, perhaps?"

My phone vibrated. My eyes flickered to my phone then back at Guy. It's probably Obito again, that guy just won't stop bothering me no matter what I do.

"I don't have to tell you." I turned away from him. "It's none of your concern, so you-"

"But I must warn you, Kakashi has already gotten over you."

I chuckled at his response. "Oh please! Like Kakashi will ever forget all the memories we had together! It's not likely no matter what you say!" Guy smirked at me, I didn't like that expression on his stupid face.

"You saw him, didn't you?" I blinked at him not comprehending what he meant. "With Sakura?"

At the mention of her, I looked away. To think that the man I love has an interest in a child like her pisses me off. I don't get why Kakashi is interested in someone like that kid. I have everything any guy could ever want, literally everything. He must be doing this just to annoy me. Yes, that must be it. He doesn't love her, he loves me. I know he does.

My phone vibrated again, but I didn't touch it. Shut up, Obito.

"Pfft, if you think you can compare someone like her to me, you're wrong. The child is too naïve to even be in a real relationship," I told him. "She's too stupid and doesn't know what true love is."

"Oh, but you do?" Guy raised his eyebrows. "I don't think you know what that means either Rin. You and Obito aren't together anymore, that means there wasn't any true love there." I rolled my eyes at him. Like he knows what's going on in my life.

Again, my phone vibrated.

"You should probably take that," Guy coughed, "it seems important."

I might as well shut it off so I can use the rest of my time to roast the heck out of Guy. As I turned on the screen I saw messages, but surprisingly they were not from Obito. They were from the one and only Sasuke Uchiha. Hmm, Sasuke messaging me, seems odd.


They must be important. Sasuke wouldn't message me if it wasn't something I needed to know. Except Guy is here and I don't want him to know I'm texting Sasuke. Then again, he doesn't need to know who I'm texting.

As I opened the messages, I read his texts.

Rin, I caught Kakashi and Sakura leaving campus in Kakashi's car.

My heart stopped.

I followed them, and they went inside his house.

The next message was an image. He had sent me an image of Kakashi and Sakura kissing.

I dropped my phone on the floor after I saw it. My face turned into shock and my hands started to shake. This couldn't be happening. Why the hell is he...why...?

How fucking dare they.

"Rin are you okay?" Guy asked, his tone turned into worry. "Is something wrong?" Guy reached for my phone without permission and stared at the picture. His mouth turned into an O.

"Give me...give me that!" I snatched it back. "Get the hell out of here already!" Guy just stood in shock as well but didn't bother to move.

My phone vibrated again. I looked at the message.

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