Chapter 16 - Kakashi's Plan

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Chapter 16 – Kakashi's Plan

Kakashi's POV

I blinked and stared at Sakura.

Why is she asking me this? Doesn't she already know I love her?

"Sakura. I-"

"You don't right? You don't love me. All you're doing is playing with my feelings..." she said. "You think just because I'm a teenager that I don't deserve to have someone to love me for me? That you could just be with me and then leave me whenever you want?" Those words hit me hard. Is she denying my love?


"Let me go, you player!"

"Sakura." I said in a stern voice. "Sakura look at me." She wouldn't look at me, so I had to turn her face and forced her to.

"What? What are you going to say huh!?" She sneered.

"Sakura. Listen to me. I don't know where you got that idea, but I assure you that's not my intention."


"I'm serious! I'm not playing around with you-"

"Just leave me alone!"

"No. No, I'm not going to leave you alone. Not until you understand I'm being serious and that I want-"

"Stop lying."

"I'm not lying-"

"Just stop!" She looked up at me with fury in her eyes. I stared back. The rain kept pouring on our faces, but even so that didn't change her beauty. Those green eyes...

"I'm not going to." I started to drag her back to my car.

"I said let me go! I'll scream!"

"I don't think you'll do that. Plus no one's going to hear you in this rain." I kept dragging her. To my surprise, she did try to scream but I quickly pulled her inside my car and locked her door. I got in as well, and both of us (wet) sat there in silence. I broke the silence.

"Sakura. Why would you think I don't care about your feelings?"

"..." she stayed silent for a while."She told me..."


"Who? Hinata?"

"No. The...that one lady...who's new assistant principal...Miss Nohara."



I should've known...

"What did she say?"

Sakura wouldn't look at me. "She said...that you don't love me. That you're just using me for fun...that you actually love her."


I shook my head. Rin of all people had to be the one to do this...

"Look at me Sakura." She did, but I saw fear and sadness in her eyes instead of fury this time. "Rin lied to you."

Her eyes softened. But she stared at me still not fully believing me. I guess it's time I tell her about Rin.

"I dated her, yes. I won't deny that. I loved her back when we were young. I used to believe, that she loved me the same way I did to her, and that no one could separate us. I used to be so obsessed with her, but I was such a blind guy that I didn't realize she was cheating on me with my own best friend."

Kakashi x Sakura Forbidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now