The Roses. (underswap!Papyrus x DifferentUniverse!reader)

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(Not apart of the book. Just a one shot I only now just thought of.)


You remember your first day in underswap.

You were going through a battle with some strong enemies in YOUR universe. You were hit pretty badly, and was rushed to the nearest universe to heal. Luckily, Underswap happened to be the closest. It was.. different from what you heard.

The monsters were nicer, And roles were swapped.
Once you finished healing, you became good friends with 2 certain skeletons.. Papyrus and sans.

One time you wanted to know more about them, and they wanted to know more about you. So, when you were hanging out with papyrus, he asked a simple question. "What's your favourite type of flower?"

You gave him your answer.


(I apologise if roses aren't your favourite.. Blue roses are my favourite.)

He looked unbothered, and nodded. You smiled and asked him why he asked. He shrugged.

You were so happy to see everyone so happy and full of joy, but that all changed one day.

   .—-. .—-. .—-. .—-. .—-. .—-. .—-. .—-. .—-. .—-. .—-.

"(Your name). You have been ordered by the leader of our universe to come back."

A tall guard-looking-dude had said.

You cried. You weren't ready to leave yet. You failed to notice the 2 skeletons behind you. Sans was crying. He didn't want you to go, neither did papyrus.

"Your leaving..?" Papyrus asked. You turned around and looked at him. Shocked. You slowly nod. He walks towards you, then stops right infront of you. He hugs you, holds you close. Never wanting to let go. (Jeez- why does this have to so dramatic-) before you left, he gave you a bouquet of your favourite flowers. You cried harder when you left. You cried for days on end.

You could not let him go.

*4 Years Later*

You were on your way to save others from a veteran Enemy. You ran as fast as the wind could. (Lol if that makes any sense.)

*A timeskip brought to you by my lazy as fuck ass.*

"Are you ok..?" You asked the citizens who were the ones you saved. "We're ok.." they answered.

"Why are you all the way out here..? The city's over there! If you wanted someone to train you, trying to go straight for a veteran wouldn't be your best choice." You say to them.

They nod.

"Now run along children.. I've got work to do."

They went back to the city.

You sighed and went to go see a friend of yours.

(Lol. Self insert right here)

"Hey Venus." You say. "Oh hey! What brings you here? Want a new weapon? A new power? Want to change your outfit again?" She asks all excitedly. "Before you answer, some tall skeleton looking guy came past and told me to give you these." She hands you a bouquet of (your favourite colour) roses.

You couldn't believe it. You held back tears that threatened to leave your face. "D-do you know.. where he went...?" You asked, trying not to cry. She nodded and pointed the direction he went in.

You immediately rushed towards the area. You saw a trail of roses. You deceived to follow them, but pick them up as well. I mean- who'd let these roses go to waste when HE grew them. Just for you.

A couple of minutes had passed. You had finally reached your destination, only to find he wasn't there. You grew disappointed. The tears that threatened to fall. You cried. Why? Was it because you missed him? Or was it because of how bad you loved him?

You huddled up against a nearby rock, and cried for a bit longer. You felt lost inside without him. You had been for the past 4 years.

30 minutes or an hour had passed, and you got up. You started to walk back to Venus's, when you noticed a lot more roses. You picked them up, and followed them as well.

For a while you ran, for a while your heart was aching. For a while, you finally hoped it was him. You hoped it was papyrus.

.___.  .___.  .___.  .___.  .___.  .___.  .___.  .___.

You reached to where the roses ended. You looked shocked and felt a little better.

There were huge bushes of roses. You smiled and sniffled. "You really outdid yourself for me huh..?" You chuckled.

"Indeed I did."

A voice from behind had shocked you. You turned around to see a tall skeletal figure staring at you, with happiness in his voice, and happiness in his eyes.

Your heart raced. You actually hoped it was him.

He stepped towards you.

"What? No.. 'hey, it's been a while' ? Or no 'Hey, what took so long?'"

He chuckled. You couldn't help but stare in relief and happiness.

"Y-you.. your here.." was all you managed to get out. You hugged him the instant he stopped infront of you. You being tall enough to wrap your arms around his neck, could not let go.

You cried more.

"Your here!! Your finally here!" You cried in relief.

"I'm here (your name). I'm here. I'll stay here with you forever. Sans is hanging out with a human at the moment... so I took the time to surprise you." He says.

You stand back and wipe the tears from your cheeks and smiled. "I wonder what human.." you mumble to yourself. Your smile wouldn't be any wider. It was making your cheeks hurt.

You finally felt whole again.

"You remember what I said the day you left?" He asks.

You nod, blushing slightly. You could see he had an orange tint on his cheekbones.

"I waited for you." You spoke up.

"You see these roses?" He asks. "All of these... are for you. All of these.. represent how I feel about you. I want to stay with you forever (your name)"

You couldn't help but feel your face get hot, as your smile was already wide enough as it is.

"I'd love to have you by my side forever... papyrus."

He looked so relieved and smiled as well, obviously having that orange tint on his face.

" I love you.. (your name).."


NAHHHHH WHYD I HAVE TO MAKE IT SO DRAMATIC ?? But it felt good to write this. Fr if it don't make sense lemme know.

Also I'm charging my name to Trinity when I'm 18. So I'd appreciate it if you all called me Trinity. Thank you.

I liked this. If you want more oneshots let me know. :)) (can't make any promises on making it not dramatic. Every oneshot needs to have a little drama-) someone gave me a nickname and named me Venus. So it's my nickname now-


1112 Words.

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