1. wolf moon

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✩☙♑︎✾☼❦★// wolf moon— one

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// wolf moon
— one

"GOODNIGHT, I LOVE YOU, TOO, DAD." ELIANA WAS A CURIOUS child ever since she could remember, she didn't trust easy, hated being in the dark, cared for her friends and if they needed someone to talk too— she was there. Her father claims that she got it from her mother because he was married to the woman for ten years.

Eliana was only six years old when her mother walked out of her and her father, the little girl didn't understand why her mother didn't want them anymore and she watched other girls with their mothers and wished that her mother stayed.

Eliana placed her phone down after ending her call with her father and removed her necklace and stored it with the rest of her jewelry inside a jewelry box her father bought for her on her fifteen birthday, she began to unmake her bed when a sound of a rock hitting her bedroom window caused her to stop and turn.

Nothing happened until other rock was thrown, "Ana!" Stiles Stilinski shouted without thinking, Eliana gasps and rushed towards the window and pushed the small doors open. "Oh hey! How's your night?"

Eliana tilted her head to the side, staring down at the teen who just stared up at her with a smile on his face. "What do you want, Stiles? And where's Scott, he's usually with you?"

"Your house was closer." Stiles says with a shrug of his shoulders. "Hurry, get dressed, put on shoes or whatever. I'll meet you at the front." Eliana groans and quickly threw on some sweatpants over her shorts, a random hoodie and met Stiles at the door.

"Don't forget you keys." Stiles reminds, Eliana eyes widen just before she could shut the door. "Don't want to repeat what happened last time." Stiles chuckles at the memory.

"It's wasn't funny." Eliana mumbles locking her door and before getting inside her best friends blue Jeep. "Where's your dad by the way?" Stiles ask starting up the car and drove away from the dark street.

"Got caught up with a case." Eliana says picking at her nails, trying to rid of the black paint to re-paint them again. "It's been happening for a while now."

Stiles glanced at her, keeping a hand on the wheel as he came up to Scott' street. "Does it bother you? Or if you want to— you can stay over at my house... not in a weird way more like me wanting to comfort a friend." Eliana smiles glancing at him.

"Thanks, I'll consider your offer."


Eliana walked up the McCall porch, hands in her pockets watching the 16-year old teen walked out his home with a bat and let out a sigh of relief when he realized it was only her.

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