12. code breaker

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✩☙♑︎✾☼❦★// code breaker— twelve

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// code breaker
— twelve

COREY TORRES WAS FURIOUS THE MOMENT HE FOUND OUT HIS little girl was admitted to the hospital, the school was lucky that he wasn't suing them for not keeping a close eye on their students.

Corey's been in the waiting room for an hour already, and Eliana had been in the surgery for two hours and he had never been more anxious in his life.

Eliana had suffered a bad accident, the police said when they found her, there was blood trickling from the back of her head. She was barely breathing and the doctors didn't know if she was going to make it through surgery and that's what scared the father the most.

Noah Stilinski had known the little girl since his son came home with a long haired girl with a bright smile asking if they could swing by Scott's. And from that day on he knew she was going to bring good things into their life's.

He was the one who found her, he was the one who had to call his best friend and break the news about the accident, now he was the one who needed to comfort his best friend.

He walked down the silent waiting room, two cups of coffee in his hands, one with extra sugar just how Corey liked it. "Here, you looks like you need it." Noah handed him the coffee.

Corey sighs rubbing his face in exhaustion and took the coffee. "I hadn't been able to sleep since they took her into surgery." He says taking a long sip of the coffee.

Noah nodded patting the man's back, in a way to comfort him. "She'll recover, she's a tough girl." Corey leaned back nodding.

"God, I hope so."


Eliana Torres was out of surgery, there was a hospital mask over her mouth to help her breathing, so many different wires sticking out her arms that were attached to beeping machines. Allison Argent stared through the glass window at the sleeping girl, her aunt had warn her about the evil of werewolves. She was now seeing that, they hurt everyone you love.

Right after Allison left Stiles arrived and promptly was stopped by his father. "You know what, it's good that we're in a hospital because I'm gonna kill you." The anger father spat.

"I'm sorry, I lost the keys to my Jeep. I had to run all the way here." Stiles tells him.

"Stiles, I don't care!"

Stiles exhaled peering back over the window, getting a small peak to Lydia Martin who had been in laying subconscious since arriving to the hospital. "Is she gonna be okay?"

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