14. shaped shifted

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✩☙♑︎✾☼❦★// shaped shifted — fourteen

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// shaped shifted
— fourteen

"YOU REALLY DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING." ALLISON ASKED LYDIA WHEN THE three best friends walked up the school building. The police found Lydia last night in the woods completely covered in dirt and leaves.

"They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying, 'we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days'." Lydia exclaimed as they approached the school doors. "But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds."

"And you look fantastic." Eliana said shooting her a wink. Lydia smiled showing her figure once more. Allison chuckled and took her hands. "Are you ready for this?"

"Please, it's not like my aunts a serial killer." Lydia comments walking through the doors. Eliana exhaled sharply turning to Allison. "No comment." Allison sighs and shook her head and they followed Lydia immediately.

Lydia stood froze by the door, everyone had stopped walking as soon as the missing girl had walked through the door, Allison leaned down and whispered. "Maybe it's the nine pounds."

Lydia licked her lips brushing her hair back and way straight up the stairs, Eliana and Allison smiled at her confidence and trailed behind her.


Eliana sat beside Stiles and Scott outside the principal's office, Jackson was being questioned by the Sheriff since the teenager lived on the same street as Issac Lahey.

The Sheriff walked out the office and Stiles scrambled grabbing a random magazine to cover his face from his father see him. The man sigh at his obvious but choice to ignore him. "Hi Scott,
hi Eliana."

The pair smiled awkwardly and waved. The sheriff side-glanced his son before he walked away. "Boys, girl. Come on in." Allison' grandfather spoke peering down at the three.

"Scott McCall." The man began once they settled down in his office, three teenagers seated across from him. "Academically not the most accomplished but I see you have became quite the star athlete." Scott gulps never once meeting the older man's eyes.

"Ms. Torres." The man began and Eliana looked up from her nails. "You have excellent straight A's and is co-founder to the soccer team which was established in the beginning of the school year to spread support for mental heath. That's wonderful, congratulations."

Eliana smiled and nodded. One legacy she wanted to leave behind when she graduated high school was something important to her like mental health for anyone who could be struggling. They school raised five-thousand dollars at the fundraiser last year and they gave shared half of it to her for the supplies.

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