53. orphaned

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✩☙♑︎✾☼❦★// orphaned— fifty three

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// orphaned
— fifty three

ELIANA WAS CALLED TO THE clinic by Deaton, he needed extra backup for the werewolf on his table, Brett Talbot was laced with wolfsbane across his back, by one of the many assassin currently going around town killing any supernatural creature.

Derek and Stiles held him down with their strength whilst the young werewolf jerked violently, spluttering up yellow liquid. "What the hell is happening to this kid?" Stiles spoke through the chaos.

"He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane." Deaton explained coming back around, "I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible."

"Hey, Derek, how about a little werewolf strength?" Stiles asked briefly looking up, struggling to keep the freshman still. "Yeah, I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength." Derek remarked.

"If you can't hold him still the incision might kill him." Deaton explained, hovering a knife above Brett's bare chest. "Derek, he's slipping, I don't think I can hold him."

Brett's eyes shot open, yellow eyes warily looking around, he growled shoving the male's away from him and stood up, frantically looking around, he turned and was met with a fist to his face. Peter appeared knocking him out cold.

Eliana walked around Peter to Brett, laying on the ground, she was afraid if she used any magic it would have probably killed him, her magic was there but it wasn't like it use to be. "I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself." Peter said shrugging, wiping the yellow off his knuckles.

"Yeah, maybe more than a little." Derek commented, peering down to his girlfriend and the werewolf. "He's alive by— dean, I don't think he's breathing." Eliana mentioned, Deaton couched down beside her quickly and Stiles by Brett's head.

Deaton reached out and cut slowly down Brett's chest, the boy gaged, gasping for air and a thin like smoke appeared from his chest. Stiles gaped at the sight. "Is he okay?" Eliana asked gently.

"I think he'll be fine, but probably out for a while." Deaton explained, Eliana nodded and placed a hand on Bret's sweating head, taking any unnecessary pain. With furrowed eyebrows, Stiles leaned down to Brett, hearing the very quiet mumbling.

"Guys, can you hear that?" Stiles asked, looking between Eliana and Deaton. "I think he's saying something."

Deaton leaned over. "The sun... the moon... the truth. The sun... the moon... the truth." Deaton leaned back to his feet. "Three things cannot long be hidden. The sun, the moon and the truth. It's  Buddhist."

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