54. weaponized

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✩☙♑︎✾☼❦★// weaponized— fifty four

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// weaponized
— fifty four

ELIANA STAY AT HOME THAT one school morning, the rest of her friends meaning, Stiles, Kira, Malia and Scott were at the school for a test that everyone needed to take. Eliana took the test during her freshman year along with Lydia.

She took the opportunity to work on her magic which led to Eliana to bring out every single candle she owned from the back of her closet, she didn't have the heart to throw them away because many were gifted from her grandmother.

"We should do something today." Lydia Martin waltzed her way into Eliana's bedroom that morning without warning. The witch jumped back into the bathroom door with a gasp and shook her head. "A little warning next time."

Lydia plopped down on the edge of the fluffy bed, twirling the baby blue blanket around her acrylic nails. "Then why did you give me a key to your house if you didn't want me to come over whenever I needed to." Lydia asked, looking up to the mirror and stood up.

Eliana scoffed tousling the towel through her dark hair. "I gave you that key for emergencies. Lydia." She mentions, walking over to her closet.

Lydia cocked her head, humming at the nice color of her friend's bra before speaking. "This is an emergency, I'm bored." Eliana brought her shirt over her body along with a pair of jeans.

"Well, you can join me to the hospital, I have an appointment with Veronica. You won't be bored there." Eliana said sliding on a pair of socks with black leather boots. "Come on,"

"That was quick." Lydia said grabbing her purse off the bed, Eliana opened the bedroom door and walked out, the two girls walked downstairs whilst Eliana grabbed her car keys along with her purse and they headed out the house to the hospital.


"How are things this time? Are they different from before?" Veronica spoke gently, it hadn't been long since Eliana and Lydia arrived to the hospital and the witch was quickly taken to a private room.

"I guess so, though I haven't had a panic attack since my last visit." Eliana exclaimed as she looked through the small window of the door, she watched nurses and doctors walk by.

Veronica followed her gaze then turned to the girl. "Eliana, that was two weeks ago. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Veronica was always worried about Eliana since the first moment she met her, they shared a bond like no other and she was almost like the mother Eliana wanted.

Eliana leaned back against the seat, gently massaging the soreness in her arm, a bright blue bandage hidden behind her long sleeve. "I— I'm okay, they don't feel good when it happens, I'll admit that." Eliana cocked her head and stood up. "What are we going here? I shouldn't be talking about this... with you, your a doctor not a— a therapist."

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