6. heart monitor

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✩☙♑︎✾☼❦★// heart monitor — six

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// heart monitor
— six

ELIANA WALKED INTO SCHOOL THAT MORNING WITH STILES BESIDES HER, he was still upset and angry at Scott for not saving his father from getting hit by a car, and the fact that the werewolf planned on skipping school for the entire day with Allison's and didn't tell either of them and to add onto that list, he didn't even answer the phone when they called.

"How's your dad?" Eliana asked, as they turned the corner coming to the hallway where their lockers were. "He's okay, just a bit bruised up." He told her clenching his jaw as they approached his locker.

"Are you ever going to talk with him?" Eliana asked about their friend, leaning against the locker besides Stiles, wondering what would happen when they see Scott.

"Probably not." Stiles grumbled softly grabbing his text books for their economics class after lunch. "I mean, how could he save Allison and not my dad. He kisses one girl and suddenly it's all he can think about." Stiles scoffs slamming his locker.

"Well, when you get your first kiss, it will be all you can think about." Eliana tells him smiling gently. Stiles squints and turned to her. "You were my first kiss, remember? We were at a birthday party and we played spin the bottle and we kissed."

"Oh, yeah, aww." Eliana coos smiling looping her arm through his. "I do remember, you were so nervous to kiss me. That just brought back to many memories." Stiles shook his head walking into the classroom.

Eliana punched his jaw softly and sat down beside his desk, Scott than walked into the room and sat directly behind Stiles. "Still not talking to me?" Scott asked him before looking over to Eliana, she shook her head.

Scott exhaled leaning against the desk. "Can you at least tell me if your dads okay? I mean, it's just a bruise, right? Some soft tissue damage? Nothing that big?" Stiles kissed his teeth barley shaking his head at his question. Eliana pursed her lips and looks away. "You know I feel really bad about it, right?"

Scott tells him, though Stiles never thought about answering and the werewolf took that as a sign to continue. "Okay. What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out and... that I went to Derek for help?"

Stiles exhaled glancing over at Eliana. "Could you tell Scott that he's an idiot for trusting Derek, because I'm not talking to him at the moment." Eliana nods her head and turned to the werewolf.

"He said your an idiot for trusting Derek."

Scott nods. "Yep, I got that." Just then the school bell rang, class had started. Eliana peered up to the blackboard before bringing her attention down to her notebook, doodling random letters, numbers on the notebook. Scott peered over to the girl confused by the sudden art.

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