57. monstrous

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✩☙♑︎✾☼❦★// monstrous— fifty seven

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// monstrous
— fifty seven

"OKAY, OKAY, LET ME DO IT AGAIN!" Malia climbed off the bed and stood infront of the bed, the four girls had gotten comfortable rather quickly, they had watched a movie together on the bed before they decided to play a game called Pictionary.

"Go on."

Malia grabbed the marker and began drawing a mouth then next it she drew a peach, Eliana cocked her head staring at the drawling, Malia smiled brightly and turned to them. "There, this is really easy."

Kira leans forward on her knees and glanced back at Lydia and Eliana. "Is it uh, kissing peaches?" Kira asked and Malia shook her head.

"Is it princess peaches?" Lydia asked causing Malia to shake her head. "Maybe give us a clue."

"It's kiss ass." Malia exclaimed and they exchanged looks humming, understanding the drawing of the picture. "Kira, you're up." Malia sighs climbing back onto the bed passing Kira the marker.

Eliana smiled softly patting Malia's back, before leaning back against the bed frame, Lydia sat beside her letting her head fall down onto Eliana' shoulder. "We should've done this sooner." The banshee commented, tossing a m&m into her mouth.


Malia yelled at the drawling, Eliana and Lydia laughed at her burst of excitement. Kira exhaled and shook her head. "No, take a real good look at the picture."

Malia cocked her head kissing her teeth.
"Oh— yep, no, no idea. Is that a foot on his head?" Eliana smiled and began to see the picture clearly. "It's a Teletubby person."

Kira gleamed. "Yes! It's a teletubby."

Malia looked at the three girls, eyebrows furrowed slightly down. "What the hell is a teletubby?"


Eliana arrived to the Sheriff's station that morning with Lydia Martin, after finding out about the witch's break up, Lydia made it her mission to get all of their girl-friends together, even after she and Stiles almost died at the hands of Brunski who was being controlled by Meredith after she faked her death.

Noah Stilinski walked out his office, with a black sling over his arm. "What did she say?" Lydia stood up on her feet, briefly glancing back at Meredith.

"Hard to tell." He answered. "There were words, I'm not sure there were actual sentences." Eliana hummed leaning back against the seat. Lydia exhaled. "Nothing."

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