Chapter 5

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*Lauren's P.O.V*

"So Aku suffered damage time to heal him." I heard.

I look and it was his cat Denomic. My eyes widen scared.

"A talking cat?!" I yelled out.

Practically the hole world could have heard me.

I stare shock and scared and the cat when't to him and when't to his back and lick the black blood off him. While he kept licking the wound clean, it healed?!

"So Lauren I see he has feelings for you." He said.

"What?! Him!? I don't think so." I said.

I felt my cheeks so warm blushing. He laughed and got close to me.

"Well you should keep your distance from him. To not hurt his feelings. I know how you humans are." He hissed.

"Away from him? That wouldn't be nice.." I said.

"Quit the act! I don't want you close to Aku ever again! His a demon and your a human. Demons are to be feared not to be close to humans!" He hiss.

My eyes widen. Why would I back away. Just when I have my first friend and now this.... I look down and he jump to me and scratch my left eye..

"This is a lesson for you!" He hiss.

I held my left eye and scream in pain. He hiss more.

"Get out of here filthy human! I want you to forget everything about him if I see you near him I will kill you! Aku is mine! Mine to protect! Not to be with a useless human that got him nearly killed." Denomic hiss.

I look down at the floor and ran off crying. No! Just when I knew him! Just when I wanted to know more about him. Just when I thought. I cried and ran away. It was late. I kept running and when't to my house. I look at the floor sad the pain in my left eye got bigger and I scream in pain holding it.

*Aku's P.O.V *

I woke up holding my head in pain. I then notice Denomic was watching me. He had blood on his paw. I look around worried.

"Lauren!" I called out.

"Don't worry about that pest I got her under control." Denomic said.

"Under control?! Who the heck do you think you are idiot cat!?" I yell.

"You will not be with that human! I forbid you! Humans are reckless and idiotic! They don't care for humans!" He hiss.

"No!" I stood up.

"Fine you want to know what she said! She said she hated you and dosn't want to be next to you since your a demon!" He said.

My eyes widen. Did lauren say this about me. I held my chest and felt tears ran down my eyes. I look at the tears they where blood.

"Your a demon you shouldn't be feeling things." He said.

"I don't care what you say! I don't believe she would say that." I walk off.

No! She didn't! I know it. I walk her place and nock on the door.

"Coming! " I heard.

I look around and wait. I look at the night sky. My anger start to rise up. She took long. I open the door?! It was open?! I walk inside and saw Lauren.

"Lauren did you really meant it?" I ask.

"Yes... I hate demons... They ruined me. Killed my dear mother... What if you do the same?" She ask.

My eyes widen. I got close to her, I look at her eyes she was crying.

"Denomic!" I said.

I look and saw Denomic messing with her memories.

"WHAT are you doing?!" I ask shocked.

He stop and Lauren fell on the floor and I caught her.

"You should leave this weak human and go back to your evil self ever since she came you been different!" He hiss.

"You shut up and stay out of my life! " I tell.

He hiss and walk off. I put Lauren down and thought. Denomic is right I should listen to him... But I just can't I don't know why but I feel strange around her. As if I don't want to kill her. I walk off and sigh. Maybe I should leave her alone for good. I walk off home I'm going to prison the pesky cat. I grab him and put him in a cage.

"You can't do this to me! I have to eat you know!" He hiss.

I smile evily and out him on my bed and eat food infront of him. He had tears while I eat. I smile eating and out him under my bed and cover him with a blanket. He meowed all night and I cover his mouth. I cover my head with a pillow but it didn't stop him from meowing. I grab the cage and put him in my closet.

"Done! " I said.

His meow was low, I walk to my bed and fell asleep. I should get ready for school tomarrow. I must act like my old self again that crazy cat is right. I changed all for a human. I would never change no matter what! I made a fist and couldn't fall asleep. All I thought was of her, but why?! I bite my blankets and threw them off. I scratch all the pillows teared my bed into shreds and fell asleep when I felt comfy. I really can't believe I'm acting so reckless and different.

This human is going to cause me trouble. Tons of it, why did she had to wear that necklace, why is her family being hunted down by demons. I must check in the lower real. But no, if I go back I am going to need enough money to come to this place. Nah I can check on other demons. I just don't have to fight them just try to control myself and talk.

Witch I'm not good at that, talking to others of my kind. Yet I don't know why humans can't see them and yet they can see me? I wonder why is it because I have a human form since I'm a strong type or there to weak to even be seen. I wondered all this things in the night till I fell asleep.

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