Chapter 8

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*Zeiba's P.O.V*

I walk around the school looking for the girl lauren since Aku was nowhere to be seen and when I walk pass there I saw her book bag. I walk and hid imidiatly when I saw a strange man behind Aku.

"What the heck are you doing here?!" He yelled out scared.

"Why would you be scared of me?" He chuckled.

"You caged me! You tortured me!" Aku back away.

"Oh but that's good for a freak like you. Yet I when't reading and it matched.... Your a demon. So I will want to experiment on you one more time." The man smiled.

Aku stepped back he was trembling. He ran off and the man chased after him. Then out of nowhere two people in hoodie came infront of Aku.

"Leave me alone! " He roared.

Each time he seemed more demonic. His horns came out and so did his tail. He bit a hoodie person and thorn off his skin by half. The man was dead?! Aku breathed heavily growling. He used his sharp claws to stab the other man and then he scream in pain as they threw him some sort off water. My eyes widen it was holly water. He ran off and desapere except in one of the rooms.

"Find him! He can't get out of the school." The man said.

I notice the light's when't out breaking and shattering imidiatly. I notice it was dark and I sigh. This is not going to be pretty. I look around. I kept whispering Lauren.

I heard a scream of terror. It was Lauren.

"Sir. Was there any civilians?" A man ask.

"I don't think I remember." The man answer.

I ran imidiatly trying to make less sounds. But since I can't see in the dark I tripped on a thrash can making alot of noises.

"What was that?!" Somebody ask.

I run and I notice I hit my face with a door. I open it and got hugged.

"?!" I look.

"I'm scared of the dark Aku." She said.

I look at her confused.

"I'm not aku." I said.

"Oh!" She left me go and she back away and trip.

"We have to get out of here" I said.

"What out?! But my book bag tomarrow I got a huge test." She said.

"Well we got to get out of here. Aku is being hunted down by-?!" I said and then I heard a gun being loaded.

I look and a flashlight brighten us.

"Do not move! " A man said.

I look at him quietly.

"Who are you and what are you doing here." The man said.

"Uh we where just here-?!" Lauren tried to speak.

"My girlfriend and I where just looking for owere stuff to leave." I said serious.

"I am not your girlfriend." Lauren said.

I heard in the walkie-talkie what was going on.

"Sir... it's just a couple on break up trying to find there stuff." The man talk back.

"Well get them out imidiatly it's not safe." I heard.

"But my book bag." Lauren said.

"Sorry but you must get out of here imidiatly." We both got pushed outside.

"Hey!" I said.

I saw a demonic figure appere right behind him and kill him. I look at lauren and she stare horrified. I look at who it was, Aku. He gave her the book bag and gave her the phone.

"I want you to go to Denomic my cat and yell him imidiatly what's going on." Aku said.

Lauren nod holding the phone and the book bag and we left imidiatly. I follow her. Her phone ring and it was Aku.

"Zeiba make sure that cat dosn't hurt lauren!" I heard.

"Alright." I said.

"I'm counting on you bird." He said.

I'm a raven! A raven! Is that so hard to know.

*Aku's P.O.V*

I kept running holding the phone with my tail and I used my wings to fly up but then they got cut off and I scream in pain. It was to much for me to handle. I drop the phone and my hole back got cut open. I scream in pain and jump back. I back away and look around. I was surrounded and wounded. I couldn't fly to escape.

I breathed heavily and laugh. I won't go down like this at all. I won't just give up. I got shot everywhere. I chuckle more and more and run to them. I stab a few people and I killed them. I breathed heavily staying in my human half form. I got grabbed by the tail and my eyes widen.

"Where are you going." I heard.

My eyes widen and I got dragged back. I got punch in the face and I fell back. I growl and concentrate on the fire. I focus on making black fire and it surrounded me. Shielding me but then I got stabbed in the stomach. I scream in pain and took it off with both of my hands and look around. I kept burning them all.

"Interesting blue and black fire... the black ones are the strongest but the blue ones are getting weak." The man said.

I back away. I was all wounded and cut everywhere. I couldn't move I couldn't fight. I breath heavily and fell on my knees. To much pain even for me to hold. I scream in pain feeling a huge slash on my back.

I scream in pain and fell on the floor. I got pulled by the tail and I cut everyone. I run to the leader and he grab my arm and had a strange object and put it on my neck and I got shock with an inmense shock wave. I scream in pain and fell back completely nocked out.

I didn't ask to be the demon. I didn't ask to be this way. I hated what I was. I slowly woke up. They had ropes that where burning my skin. I was in a moving vehicle.

I got my horn grabbed and they pull it.

"This really is bothersome why would we want this?" A man ask.

I blacked out.

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