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SEAN XIAO ZHAN was the sole heir of the second largest business association in the state, and one amongst the 20 most popular and successful multinational business organizations in the world.


Sanren Yiling Groups, unlike other business organizations, wasn't just another ancestral inheritance, but rather was built with sweat and blood, by XIAO SANREN COUPLE, SENIOR XIAO CHEN, XIAO ZHAN'S XIAO PA, and SENIOR LU FENG SANREN, XIAO ZHAN'S SANREN DAD.

Sanren Yiling Groups, unlike other business organizations, wasn't just another ancestral inheritance, but rather was built with sweat and blood, by XIAO SANREN COUPLE, SENIOR XIAO CHEN, XIAO ZHAN'S XIAO PA, and SENIOR LU FENG SANREN, XIAO ZHAN'S S...

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The struggling mediocre family, turned the richest in just a few years, by the time Xiao Zhan was 15. And since, much changed in Sean's life.

But then, both Xiao Chen & Lu Feng Sanren worked hard for more than 10 years to bring their small establishment to this success

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But then, both Xiao Chen & Lu Feng Sanren worked hard for more than 10 years to bring their small establishment to this success. And there were other factors as well...

But for later...

As for Sean Xiao Zhan, he now, no more was reluctant to go to school. On the contrary, he waited to go to school everyday. And even attended extra curricular classes on week days.

Though now, he was followed 24*7 by a bunch of guards, everywhere. And for Sean, it was highly embarrassing.

Whether it's the age 15 that Sean was then, or his parents wanted to show off that they are now amongst the wealthies, nobody knew. But suddenly, Sean Xiao was kept 24*7 under strict security, even at home. And Sean was sure it wasn't definitely the later. Former, if it was, confused him. Made him frustrated. Because, he felt like a prisoner of war in enemy reign.

🌴𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐫🌴Where stories live. Discover now