7🍁YiZhan 2🍁

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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creators.]


Wang Ai was waiting for her son, impatiently. Just then Yibo reached there.

"Yibo, where were you!?! It's time to leave my son. "

"Where else, ma!?! Wasting time with useless people... "

Sean felt hurt. He sighed and hid his hurt well. But Ma'am Wang looked sharply towards him, while asking Yibo.

"Now what did he do!?! "

"He argued with the coffee seller, about coffee price..."

"What do you mean coffee price!?! "

"Actually, coffee is very high rated here, Ma'am Wang. Almost double than the normal... So..."

Wang Ai gasped with wide unbelievable eyes, as Sean said coffee's price was high.

"Excuse me!?! My God. I really pity you. Pity the way your parents brought you up. Imagine the son of one of the billionaire couple, and the son in law of the Royals of Mainland, arguing about coffee price in airport!?! What's your problem huh!?! Are you habituated to make sure that the reputation of everyone close to you gets tarnished in ordinary eyes!?! "

Sean was really angry now. That was the thing about Sean. He was modest, he was polite. But he knew when and how to make his stance clear and defend himself in a polite yet stern manner.

"Ma'am Wang, with due respect, ones behavior and choice of words itself are enough to uplift or tarnish that person's image. I am younger than you, scolding me and criticizing my mistakes are ok, but bringing my parents and badmouthing them repeatedly......am sure the kind of image imprint you are putting of yourself in my mind is quite clear, isn't it. Besides, I am from here. I was born and lived in states my whole life till. Where and how to behave here, it's certainly quite familiar to me. Excuse me."

Ma'am Wang stared with unbelievable angry expression. Yibo clenched his fists.

"How dare you!?! "

"Bobo, let go. "

Wang Yizhou warned Yibo.

"But dad!!! "

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