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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creators.]


Yibo woke up with a jolt. He looked around. Zhan wasn't there. He rushed out, searching Zhan. It was midnight almost. Everyone was asleep. After searching for quite some time, he found Zhan in the kitchen.

"Zhange... "

Zhan looked innocently at Yibo.

"Zhange, what are you doing here!?! "

"I...... "

Zhan gulped.

"Where's Xiao pa, dad Sanren, uncle Feng, where's everyone.... Who are you!?! Where am I!?! What is this place!?! "

"Zhange!?! "

"I was studying for my exam nah, then I felt hungry, then, I... I couldn't find the kitchen of our home. This isn't home. Where's.... Where's everyone... I... I... "

Zhan suddenly felt dizzy. Yibo rushed forward and held him as he collapsed suddenly. He immediately called Dr. Bowen.

After checking, Dr. Bowen looked tensed.

"Your Highness Sir Wang Yibo, Sir Sean Xiao is slowly regaining the past memories. I don't know it's a good news or bad, he's healing psychologically. But, well..... We have to be very careful. It could prove hazardous in this condition. Be prepared for any kind situation. "

Yibo was already sweating. He looked at the unconscious Sean. He sighed deeply.

"I will do anything for him and my babies. I can't give up now, not now. "

After everyone left, Yibo sat near Zhan, caressing his face. Zhan instantly opened his eyes.

"Bodi, am hungry. "

Yibo smiled.

"Yes, I shall bring something for you. Wait here.. "

But Yibo got up from bed, Zhan held his hand.

"Don't go... Please.... "

Yibo sighed deep.

"Fine I shall ask someone to bring food for you. "

Yibo called Kuan, who shortly brought a lavish meal with the help of few maids. Sean smiled at the sight of food. He ate everything in little quantities and then finally slept off again. Yibo sighed hard. He tucked Sean nicely and then went to talk with Kuan.

"Kuan ge, am afraid. Scared."

"Why Your Highness!?! "

"Ge, suppose after regaining his memories, Sean leaves me. I won't be able to handle it. I would rather die than being separate from him. "

"Your Highness you call me Ge, so am like your elder brother. So listen to this brother, even the Almighty in heaven has watched how much you love His Highness Sean Xiao. I am sure if there's an authoritative power people call God is really there, he won't let your love lose. He will definitely make sure your love wins this lifetime. "

"You think ge!! "

"I know, Bodi. "

Yibo hugged Kuan.

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