4 🌼Reason🌼

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"What's the problem if he marries me!?! Just because I belong to a mediocre family!?! I thought, years ago someone was a mediocre too. Not at all rich. Though arrogance was still part of his character, am sure....... "

"I was never a mediocre since born. Neither years ago, nor now. And that's the problem. Never were I and Xiao Chen mediocre, nor is Sean Xiao Zhan. Our only son. Our one and only biological son."

"Oh yeah!! Must be hard to accept the harsh reality of the past, isn't it, Mr. Sanren!?! Must be hard confessing you were just a struggling mediocre business man few years ago, who became rich just recently. And now my status hurts his highness's pride and high level position in the society. "

"'His Highness'!!!"

Lu Feng Sanren chuckled bitterly. Dilreba stared at him with teared eyes, angry and hurt at the same time.

After, Sean called her the previous night, and broke up with her, Dilreba was devastated.

And she rushed to Xiao Sanren Groups to talk face to face with Lu Feng Sanren

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And she rushed to Xiao Sanren Groups to talk face to face with Lu Feng Sanren.

"You are right, Miss Reba. Me and my husband were struggling business man couple years ago. Struggling mediocre business men. But alas! Still the bitter 'His Highness' never left us alone. Still it became a big threat to Zan's life."

"Stop talking in riddles Mr. Sanren. Speak clearly. Face it that it's your hypocrite pride that's a big threat to my and Sean's relationship. Nothing else."

"Miss Reba!! You do know that Zan can never give you a child, make you a mother by impregnating you, don't you!?! "

"Yes I know about Sean's abnormal physical form. I am a doctor, if you are forgetting, for heaven's sake. I know Sean is an Intersex male. A kind of hermaphrodite. But with the functioning male organ...."

"Wrong. "

"Excuse me!! "

"I said you are wrong. Absolutely wrong. Not a functional...... But with a seemingly functioning male organs. But actually his female organs are more functioning. "

"What do you mean!! "

"Zan, that is Sean, can conceive coming in contact with other man. "

"Nonsense. That's medically impossible. "

"Why!?! Sean has a, excuse my word, if you may.. "

🌴𝐁𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐫🌴Where stories live. Discover now