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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creators.]


[Continuation from chapter 14 YIXI]


Yibo & Zhan's relationship wasn't on good terms. Zhan was carrying on with his life. He would get up, finish his morning ablutions, wake up Yixi, his daughter, get her ready, and since she was too young still, he would take her with him to the office. There Yixi sat silently playing with her toys while Zhan worked. Sometimes, Jiyang took care of her, or Ziyi too took turns.

Now Ziyi and Wang Zhoucheng were divorced. Wang Zhoucheng remained in his own world either in office or in the spare room attached to the office, drinking his sorrow. While, Meng Ziyi, who had a medical degree started afresh towards her career. She left Wang palace and started living in a separate apartment near the hospital where she practiced.

Jiyang often visited her. He continued his life just like before, with NGOs and charities, while, Wang Haoxuan enjoyed his own life. Jiyang also developed deep friendship with one of Ziyi's colleagues, Psychotherapist Dr. Li Bowen.

Jiyang, Ziyi and Sean became best friends and shared everything. From feelings to wearings. Everything.

Whereas Zhoucheng emersed himself in work, Haoxuan in enjoyment, Yibo was trying his level best to improve his relationship with Sean and his daughter. He spent time with his daughter more, which though initially Sean forbade but gradually allowed, thinking that his daughter needs the love of both parents equally.

"Damn it. She's my daughter too Zhan ge. "

"Didn't you realize that when you wished our death in hospital. "

"Zhan ge look, you know how I am. Impulsive, impudent. I don't think before saying or acting. I was.. I was.. "

"You were what? "

"I was angry ok. I was jealous. I had gone crazy, seeing you and Dilreba together in that condition. If you were in my position and had seen me with another girl in that condition what would you do!?! "

"I would act maturely. "

"Yes, but you would be angry too, disappointed, jealous, angry, frustrated and all that. Only may be I acted rashly and you would be able to still keep your cool. That would be the difference but you would be going through all those emotions too. They drove me crazy, what can I do!? She was your ex lover for heavens sake, not just random anyone. I felt betrayed. "

Yibo sobbed as he said those. And Sean too had no answer for his words. He, even if  a little, but was at fault.

"Zhan ge please, I made one mistake, I confess. You don't make another mistake and let our daughter suffer more please, Zhan ge. Please. I need her, but truth is she also needs me. I am her father, please Zhan ge. We are family. Don't break it. Please. I also want to hear father word from her like you do. Please. "

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