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[All pictures, images, are downloaded from online sites. Pinterest, Google. They neither belong to me nor am taking any credit. Credit goes to the creators.]


"Bo! Take Zhan to your room. And I will call the doctor for a check up. He's carrying royal heir, and I don't want it to get hurt because of this lad's stupidity. "

"Come on Zhan."

Yibo said, holding Zhan's palm. But Zhan shrugged off harshly.

"I will not. And this baby is mine. I won't let it be part of this arrogant family.. I won't... No, leave me Yibo. Just leave me... Let go off me. How dare you!?! "

But Yibo firmly held on to Zhan's palm, yet carefully dragged Zhan to their room. He laid down Zhan on the bed and held on to him.

"Yibo, you are hurting me. What the hell!?! Let go."

"Zhan ge, baobei. Look! You are vulnerable with your temper and everything due to this pregnancy. You aren't understanding. Our seniors are still present and they are more than experienced and mature to take the right decisions. We need not interfere. When we will reach their age, we will understand why they took the decisions as they took it. Hmmnn, baby, please calm down... You are hurting our baby like this."

"You think letting Ziyi jie getting beaten up like that is right decision!?! Blaming her for everything while letting your brother go scot-free is right decision!?! Are you insane!?! "

"It's not our place to decide about it Zhan Zhan. Besides, it's not as you are staring it, honey bee. Elders will definitely punish Cheng ge in their own way. "

"Wow!! Then indirectly they are encouraging domestic violence. If tomorrow you decide to abuse me physically, I guess it won't be a big deal either, will it be!?! Your elders will decide a trifle punishment for you and blame me. "

"They are your elders too, Zhan ge. This is your family too... And yes, I sometimes lose my temper, behave improperly. I confess, I sometimes am difficult to deal with...but bunny babe, I will never hurt you like Cheng ge hurt Ziyi jie. I promise. You may not trust me now, but I really do promise, I shall never be like that with you. I love you, and I already told you, your smile gives a positive vibe. I will never do anything to..."

Knock! knock!

"Who's it!?! "

Yibo yelled frustratingly.

"Your Highness, Senior Master An sent doctor for young master Zhan. "

Yibo sighed hard.

"Come in!! "

Yibo said in a low voice. Zhan stared frustratingly at the doctor, who entered alongside some guards and maids.

"I am alright. You need not burden yourself. "

Zhan said frowning. The doctor stared sternly at Zhan, and in a reprimanding tone said.

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