𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"Fats pleaseeeeeee go to sleep. For mommy please?" Sevyn frowned deeply. It was two in the morning and Lola was up talking and laughing again. She had been doing it every few days, Sevyn having to bring her in her room in order for her to go to bed some nights.

"Daddy!" She yelled balling her little fists up as she jumped around on her bed. Sevyn groaned softly, and grabbed her.

"Imma kick Jaiden ass bro." She mumbled turning the light off as she walked out the room with Lola on her hip. She started whining, trying to wiggle out of Sevyn's arms.

"LOLA!" She jumped down and ran off back into the darkness of her room and Sevyn followed. She paused her heart dropping for a second, realizing the closet door was now open.

Lola was standing in front of it with a big smile and Sevyn gasped as a pair of hands reached out and picked her up. She didn't even know what to do, not wanting to go and get her phone or a weapon and leaving Lola with whoever was in the room.

But that feeling went away when Dayvon walked out and they locked eyes for the first time in three long years. Her jaw dropped slightly and she didn't realize that her eyes started to water.

Sevyn was truly lost for words, her mind racing with so many thoughts and questions.

"Put her d..down." Her voice trembled lightly, anger taking over her body as she took a deep breath after her sentence. She didn't want to lose her cool in front of her daughter and he knew that..which is why he didn't let her go.


"Put her the FUCK down. NOW." She felt herself getting physically hot, his presence alone made her want to get violent. She didn't care that he had almost a foot of height on her, she wanted to beat his ass so badly.

He put Lola down, his eyes glued to Sevyn as she ran over to her mama sensing something was wrong. Sevyn picked her up and turned around, running to her bedroom to get away from him and to her phone but he caught her and blocked the door.

"What do you want? Wha...how did you find me?" Sevyn backed up, tears falling from her eyes.

"Put her down let's talk."

"No get the fuck out of my house deadbeat ass bitch." Sevyn yelled and Lola whined digging her face into her neck.

"Fuck you call me?" Dayvon furrowed his eyebrows, both of them equally angry even though he didn't have the right to at all.

"GET OUT. GET THE FUCK OUT IM FINNA CALL THE FUCKING POLICE YOU FUCKING PSYCHO!" Sevyn was so loud, she never thought she could get that loud, the spacious apartment echoing her voice. She put Lola down in her bed as he watched and shoved him hard going into her own room and grabbing her phone.

"Put it down." Dayvon walked up on her as she dialed 911. She clicked call and the operator actually spoke up until he snatched the phone from her hands and slammed it into the wooden floor, stomping on it hard and crushing it with his force.

"LISTEN TO ME—" he yelled and Sevyn punched him dead in his mouth, making him lose his shit and snatch her up, shoving her against the wall.

"LET GO, GET OFF OF ME OH MY GOD!" She screamed, about to have a whole panic attack.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME LIKE DAT AGAIN SEVYN YOU KNOW I'LL FUCK YOU UP." He yelled back at her and she started to lose control of her breathing, highly frightened by him.

He looked at her as she started to cry, also hearing Lola screaming and crying in her room; his expression and grip on Sevyn softening as he realized he just fucked up even worse than he did when he left her.

𝐈𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 | 𝐊𝐕 Where stories live. Discover now