Chapter 3

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Once the energy found Wen Yuan, it wrapped itself around his body and it disappeared from there. The resentment energy appear in front of Wei Wuxian as it unwrapped itself. "A-Yuan."

After he got Wen Yuan out from Cloud Recesse Wei Wuxian surrounded Cloud Recess with resentment energy. 'I know that Lan Zhan won't know but I need to do this. I'm sorry Lan Zhan.'

The Lan clan see how the day outside turn to night time, "it is not even afternoon yet? Why is the day turn to nighttime?" They all went out to see a dark, massive energy covering their clan.

"Is Wei Wuxian. Is he the one who is doing this?" Lan Xichen and Lan Qiren looked at each other, then up at the back barrier around their clan. "What does he want? What is he trying to do?" Lan Qiren asked his nephew.

"I'm not sure, Shifu."

Wei Wuxian arrive back in the spiritual realm, "Wuxian," Wei Wuxian look up to see San Lang and someone else with him. "Ge ge who is he?" The person smile, "My name is Xie Lian. San Lang husband and you must be Wei Wuxian, the one San Lang told me about."

"Xie Lian? Is he the one you were looking for?" San Lang nodded his head, "I'm glad you found him." Then Wei Wuxian remember something, "That's right, Wen Ning?"

"He back to normal. You can see him later," San Lang and Xie Lian see a little boy in Wei Wuxian arm. "Did you kidnapped a child, Wuxian?" San Lang got a hit on the head by Xie Lian. "Gege! What was that for?"

"Your didi isn't that kind of person to take a child away from someone else." Xie Lian looked at Wei Wuxian, "Who is he ?Wuxian"

"He Wen Ning nephew, Wen Yuan. I left him at the burial mound, this way he will be safe. I didn't expect Lan Zhan to be the one to find him." Wei Wuxian see that Wen Yuan is breathing very heavily.


Xie Lian and San Lang walk over to Wei Wuxian, "Let me see," Xie Lian checked Wen Yuan forehead. "It look like this child is having a fever."

"A fever? What should we do?" Wei Wuxian is getting worry about Wen Yuan, "Just calm down Wuxian. I will take a look at the child," Xie Lian take Wen Yuan in his arm and then walk away from there.

"Don't worry Wuxian, Gege will look after him." Wei Wuxian nodded his head. "Oh that's right, how is Lan Zhan?"

"Still sleeping," the two talk as they walk to where Lan Wangji is staying. "It is best that he still stay asleep. If he is awake then he will stop me from what I am doing to those greedy cultivators."

Wei Wuxian walk over to Lan Wangji, "what do you think will happen if he went back to his clan?"

"The Lan clan is known for their discipline. I bet he will get whipped by his uncle. What more he stood by your side."

"Lan Qiren is brutal. He doesn't care if that person is his nephew or not. I'm just glad that he here and not there."

San Lang smile at this, "Are you in love with him?" This make Wei Wuxian blush, "I what?!" Shouted Wei Wuxian.

"Don't tell me you never realize Lan Wangji feeling?" Wei Wuxian is shock at this, "What do you mean?"

San Lang sigh as he hit the back of Wei Wuxian head, "Da Ge?!"

"Your so clueless about these thing. I have been watching how Lan Wangji reaction every single time your around him. He love you, as for you, you don't realize it. Why don't you think about it didi," after saying all of this to Wei Wuxian, San Lang walk away from there leaving Wei Wuxian to his own thought and feeling.

'Lan Zhan love me? I always thought that he hated me, he never like me when we first met until. He always give me the cold shoulder but then again we went through life and death together.' Wei Wuxian went to seat down next to a sleeping Lan Wangji.

'I will never know until I wake him up, then again, I rather have him stay asleep rather then awake. I think I can't wait until it is the right time to wake him up,' with that last thought Wei Wuxian went back to his own room.

The next day Wei Wuxian went to the Nie clan, "Wei Xiong! Don't do this!" Shouted Nie Huaisang from inside of the dark mist dome. "I'm sorry Nie Xiong but this have to be done. I won't call upon any corpse to attack your clan. I will do the same to other clan, no one will get away with this."

The next place Wei Wuxian went to is the Yao clan, he did what do to the Jin clan. "Sect leader! Sect leader! Wei Wuxian just gave us a warning! And then this dark dome cover up our whole clan!"

One of the Yao clan disciple rush into the main room, "what is his warning?" Asked a angry Sect leader Yao.

"He said that if we make noise or leave our room, the corpse will attack us."

"Corpse?" That is when Sect leader Yao hear groaning coming from outside. They all see dead corpse walking around the front of the main big room.

Then next is Sect leader Ouyang, 'it look like there is a child here,' Wei Wuxian went to take the child with him. "What is your name little one?" Wei Wuxian try to make the child feel comfortable around him, "Zizhen, Ouyang Zizhen."

"Is nice to meet you Zizhen. Let's go somewhere else fun okay?" 'I'm sure gege and Xie gege love children,' he disappear from there without looking back at the Ouyang clan. 'Sect leader Ouyang doesn't deserve to have a child like Zizhen. He will only teach him how to hate other people. I think I will do the same for Jin Ling. Jiang Wanyin won't raise him with a good personality, he will raise Jin Ling to become like him and his father peacock. Bad temper.'

Wei Wuxian decide to take Zizhen with him, once he go back to the spiritual world he will deal with the Yunmeng Jiang clan later.

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