Chapter 6

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Wei Wuxian and San Lang take Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao out of the jail. The two chain them up on the wall, "How should we torture them Wuxian? We should torture them before killing them?"

"Let use what people use when they got put in the jail. How about we just torture them until they die? Ge, you can torture them even more as a ghost."

San Lang eye turn red, "of course didi. I will torture them even more. I will make them regret what they did to you."

"Then let's the torturing begin!" Many different tool appear in front of San Lang and Wei Wuxian. All of the tool begin to make there mark on Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan body.

The two scream out in pain as the tool is hitting their body. "I bet this is what you did to Wen Qing, Wen Ning and the other Wen remnant right?" Wei Wuxian screamed at Jin Guangshan.

"Why not just burn down his clan, Didi? His clan is a greedy they don't deserve to be part of this cultivation world."

"But Ge, what about Jin Ling?" Wei Wuxian asked San Lang. "When Jin Ling is old enough you can help him to rebuild the clan from scratch. A better Jin clan then before, even though your not s sect leader but you can teach Jin Ling how to be a better Sect leader then this piece of trash."

Wei Wuxian know that San Lang is right, "I will teach Jin Ling what a sect leader is all about. One thing though."

San Lang turn to look at Wei Wuxian, "what is it?" The two ignore the pleasing and the begging from Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan. "How will we tell Jin Ling that his father clan has been burn down to the ground?"

"Don't worry, we can just make it up. It is not like anyone will know about it."

"Gege, what do you think Xie Lian will said?"

San Lang sweat drop at this question, "let's just keep it between us okay?" Wei Wuxian sigh, "any idea on how you want to burn down the Jin clan?"

"Leave that to me, I know someone who have the greatest grudge against Jin Guangshan. They can go there and burn it down. And then you can dispell the dark energy."

The two decide to head to the Jin clan, they look at Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan, "I will let you watch your clan getting burn down Sect leader Jin," San Lang make a cloudy mist appear in front of Jin Guangyao and Jin Guangshan, "Watch."

The two disappear from there, they arrive above the Jin clan, "You all can come out now," many people who got kill by Jin Guangshan walk out from the shadow. "Burn down his home. You can kill anyone you want."


Loud noise is been make around the Jin clan, this cause the puppet to attack those inside of the Jin clan. Soon the whole clan is in flame, many of the Jin disciple scream as puppet kill them or the people who have grudges against the Jin clan.

"Are you watching this Jin Guangshan? This is what your nephew did to the Wen remnant. He chase them around like they are some kind of animal. Now is your clan turn."

Jin Guangshan who is watching this is trying to get loose, he couldn't because the chain is stronger then he is. "WEI WUXIAN!"

Wei Wuxian who is watching this heard Jin Guangshan screaming his name, "no need to scream Jin Guangshan. It will be your turn soon."

Wei Wuxian dispell the dome, smoke begin to fill the air, people in LanLing see black smoke coming from the Jin clan. They all wondering what is going on there. As they walk to where the Jin clan is at, they want a closer look but something block them from going any further.

"Wuxian, the town people are watching?" Wei Wuxian look down to see many people is watching what is happening to the Jin clan. "We should move into the forest?" Wei Wuxian turn to look at San Lang, he nodded his head so the two disappear from there and reappear into the forest.

Once the Jin clan have crumbled to the ground, Wei Wuxian and San Lang went back to the spiritual realm. "How dare you two left me with the children?!" Come Xie Lian angry tone.

*sigh* "it look like your in big trouble Da ge." Wei Wuxian walk over to the children, "Come A-Yuan, A-Ling, there someone I want you to see." Wei Wuxian walk away with Wen Yuan and Jin Ling in his arm.

"Papa San, where did you go?" Zizhen asked as he tugged on San Lang pant. San Lang pick up Zizhen, "Your uncle Wuxian and I went to take care of some bad people."

"Did something happen San Lang?" Xie Lian asked as the two walk out from the main room. San Lang begin to tell Xie Lian what him and Wei Wuxian have seen into Jin Guangshan mind.

"It was the two of them after all. They cause this whole mess?" San Lang nodded his head.

"What did you two do to them?" Xie Lian asked.

"We just torturing them. They are still there."

"What about Su She? Have you two seen his memories yet? Come here Zizhen." Xie Lian take Zizhen from San Lang arm.

"No, not yet. It take a lot energy to see into someone mind. We will do it tomorrow," San Lang watch as Xie Lian play with Zizhen, "You want to adopt Zizhen?" This surprise Xie Lian.

"Can we?" Xie Lian asked with a happy smile on his face, "of course. Zizhen," Zizhen looked at San Lang, "What is it, Papa San?" Zizhen asked.

"Would you like to be our child?" Zizhen smile as he nodded his head. Xie Lian have on a worry expression, "San Lang, what happen if Zizhen remember his parent?"

"Don't worry Gege, he still a child. He won't remember much beside if he ask we can tell Zizhen about it. Children like Zizhen, Wen Yuan and Jin Ling shouldn't grow up in a place that is full of greedy people. We will teach them and tell them what a cultivator is really like and how they should act."

"Papa San, Papa Xie," hearing Zizhen call them that, that mean Zizhen accepted them as his parents. "We will have a lot of fun from now on, Zizhen."


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