Chapter 25

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While Zizhen, Jin Ling and Wen Yuan is waiting for the adult to come looking for them, they are doing their best to help Qing to calm down because she is with child. "Qing Jie, are you alright now?" Wen Yuan asked.

"Yeah, just need a rest. Have the other arrive yet?" Wen Yuan shake his head no. "Why don't we go order a warm bowl of porridge for you to eat? You and the baby need to eat, okay?" Qing nodded her head.

"A-Ling," Jin Ling walk from the window toward where Wen Yuan and Qing is at, "Yuan ge, what is it?" He asked Wen Yuan.

"Since the people won't recognize you, can you go down stair to order a bowl porridge? Qing Jie need to eat."

"Alright," with that Jin Ling left the room. "Qing Jie, why don't you get some rest? I will wake you up when Jin Ling come back with the porridge," Qing nodded her head as she closed her eye.

Jin Ling just finish ordering the porridge for Qing, he is waiting for it. While waiting for the chief to finish with the food he is looking outside hoping to see any of the adult rushing to find them.

About an hour or so later Jin Ling see four pair of people walking outside, he see one person in red and black, one in black and two in white clothes. 'San shushu! Xie Shushu! Xingchen shushu! Song shushu!' He rush out of the inn.

"Shushu!" The four turn around and that is when Jin Ling see Xie Lian and Xiao Xingchen with injury on them. He rush over to the four adult, "Your....your..your hurt," Xie Lian put his hand on top of Jin Ling head.

"A-Ling, we are fine. Where are the other?" Xie Lian asked softly. "Up stair, Qing Jie, she pregnant with Ning shushu child. Ning Shushu! Is he here?" The adult shake their head no.

"I'm sorry, come this way," when Jin Ling enter into the inn, the waiter came out with a warm bowl of porridge. The four adults followed Jin Ling up stair. "In here," when Jin Ling open the door, Zizhen went to hugged his parents.

"Papa!" He burst out crying. "Zizhen, we're okay, is alright now," San Lang and Xie Lian comforted their son.

"Song Shushu, Xingchen Shushu, are you all alright?" Asked a worry Wen Yuan. Jin Ling bring the warm porridge over to Qing, "Qingh Jie," Qingh woke up. When she did, she see San Lang, Xie Lian, Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, "your all here."

They nodded their head, "Qing Jie, come, you need to eat." Jin Ling help Qing up and out of the bed, he walk her over to the table. "Be careful the porridge is still hot." Qing nodded her head as she ate the porridge slowly.

"Xie Shushu, Xingchen shushu, you two got hurt?" Wen Yuan looked at the injury on both Xie Lian and Xiao Xingchen body. "I will go buy some medicine for us to use. I don't know if we bring enough of medicine or not."

"A-Yuan be careful, don't let them see you," wen Yuan nodded his head, when Wen Yuan open the door,the waiter is holding their food. "Thank you," Zizhen want to be with his parents but he also need help with the food. So he got up, walk over to the door and take the food into the room.

San Lang looked at Qing, he can see how worry she is, "A-Qing, A- Ning will come back don't worry okay? But most of all why didn't you said anything?"

"I want to surprise everyone, I want to surprise Wen Ning the most but I never thought that we would end up like this. I'm sorry that I didn't said anything, I want to keep it a secret until I am ready to let everyone know. Wen Ning," when Qing is about to cry Jin Ling and Zizhen went over to Qing.

"Qing Jie, don't cry, Ning shushu will come back for you. Then you can tell him, he will be very very very happy to know that he will have a child soon."

"Thank you A-Ling, Zizhen." The adult smile at this. "A-Ling, help A-Qing over to the bed. She need her rest now," Jin Ling look at the bowl, it was all gone, 'I guess she was hungry after all,' "okay Shushu, come on Qing Jie," Jin Ling help Qing up as he walk her over to the bed.

"Xie papa, are you and Xingchen shushu alright? Does your injury still hurt?" Zizhen asked as he look at Xie Lian and Xiao Xingchen.

"Were alright Zizhen, just need a little rest," Xie Lian lean on San Lang while Xiao Xingchen lean on Song Lan. "Yuan gege will come back soon. Hang in there."

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji

When the two have finish fighting off the Ouyang clan disciple they feel exhausted. "Wei Ying come on, I know that you are tired but we need to get out of here before they come back," Lan Wangji put Wei Wuxian arm over his shoulder while he put his arm around Wei Wuxian waist.

As the two walk farther up the road they see many of the Ouyang clan disciple on the ground die. Then they see, "Wen Ning!" They walk over to where Wen Ning is at. "Hey Wen Ning! Wake up!" Wei Wuxian patted lightly on Wen Ning cheek.

"If Wen Ning is here, then where are the kid?" Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, is wondering where the kids and Qing went too. It took about a minute or so for Wen Ning to wake up.

"Wen Ning, are you alright? Why are you here but not with the kid and Qing?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"When we were running away from the fight, A-Qing saw that there were more people following us. So I told them to head into town first, and that we will come find them."

"Can you walk?" Lan Wangji asked Wen Ning. Wen Ning shake his head no, Lan Wangji look around the place he is searching for a place for them to hide and away from the Ouyang disciple who is still searching for Zizhen.

Lan Wangji finally found a place, "Wait here okay Wen Ning?" Wen Ning nodded his head. Lan Wangji take Wei Wuxian into the forest, he found a brush where they can hide and away from the road. He set Wei Wuxian down, he then went back to get Wen Ning. He got Wen Ning off of the ground, away from the road and take Wen Ning to where Wei Wuxian is right now.

"Let's take a rest here, and then we will go find the other," the other two nodded their head and so, all three of them closed their eye to get some rest.

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