Chapter 29

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By the time they walk around the big city, the three junior is tired. "Papa Xie, can we head home not? I am absolutely tire!!!!" Wen Yuan and Jin Ling nodded their head. San Lang sigh as he shake his head at this.

"Alright, let's head to the same inn that we were in a while ago," as they walk back to the same inn, they look at the town once more, "Next time, can we go somewhere, where there isn't that much people?" Zizhen asked.

"Of course. There are ton of place San Lang and I want to take everyone but for now, let's head home to get some rest." When they got a room, Xie Lian write the same symbol.

Soon they all arrive back at the same inn that they were staying in. Wen Ning take Qing over to the bed, "You walk a lot today, do you feel any pain or are you just tired?"

"Just tire, no pain."

"We will go tell them to make dinner for us," with that the three Junior left from there. "Wuxian, don't you have to get rid of the dark dome around the Ouyang clan?" San Lang asked as he look out the window.

"Just let them be in the dark for a while bit longer. Or maybe a year or so then I will release it. I did forgive them after all, and this is what they end up doing to us."

"I guess they do deserve it. Where do you think the kids want to go next?" San Lang asked.

"Can we take them to Gusu? I want to visit my uncle and my brother?" Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying, "We can do that. Will that be okay with you guys?" Everyone in the room nodded their head.

"Wei Wuxian, Xingchen and I want to head back to Baixue Temple. I want to rebuild my master home." Song Lan looked at Xiao Xingchen to see if he want to go with him or not. "Xingchen?"

"Mn. I will go with you. Let's leave after our journey, but it will be very sad to tell the boys about this."

"I agree. What should we tell them?" They all went quiet. Soon the door open up, "We got ton of food! Jie Jie, there is a bowl of porridge for you too." Jin Ling, Zizhen and Wen Yuan put the trade down on the table. Jin Ling pick up the porridge bowl to give it to Wen Ning, "Thank you Rulan," Jin Ling smile as he nodded his head.

That night when everyone is done with their dinner, the adult know is time to talk to the three boys. "Zizhen, A-Ling, A-Yuan, there something Song Lan and I need to tell you three."

Zizhen, Jin Ling and Wen Yuan looked at each other then back to Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan, "Xingchen shushu, what is it?"

"When our journey is over, your Song shushu and I will head to Baixue Temple. That is where your Song Shushu grew up, he want to rebuild his master temple."

"Then you will be leaving us?" Jin Ling is sad to see two of his uncle is leaving them after their journey. "We will come back to see you and everyone else. Don't worry okay?" The three boys nodded their head.

The next day Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen said goodbye to their family, "Shushu, please write home. We want to know all about your Baixue Temple, then maybe we will come for a visit."

Song Lan put his hand on top of Wen Yuan head, "we will. You three make sure to train hard okay? When we meet again, Xiao Xingchen and I will see how strong you three have gotten alright?" The three boys nodded their head.

Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen look at the other, "Everyone take care," the two take out their sword, they let it float next to them and they step on it. "You two take care too!" They all wave goodbye to each other, "shall we all head to Gusu?" All nodded their head.

It took a while for everyone to arrive in Gusu since they know that Qing need to rest every now and then. Once they arrive in Gusu, Lan Zhan went to see his brother and uncle while the other stay at an inn.

"So this is Caiyi town?" Jin Ling asked. "Yep, this is Caiyi town." Wei Ying looked at San Lang and Xie Lian, "do you two want to come?" He asked.

"Why don't you take the boys? We want to head back to the spiritual realm to finish up some work. We will come back before night fall, okay?" San Lang looked at the three boys, "you boys don't cause trouble for your Shushu, alright?"

"We won't!"

With that San Lang and Xie Lian disappear from there. "Alright, let's go boys,"before they left from there Wei Ying turn his attention to Wen Ning and Qing, "You two stay here. It is best for A-Qing to rest up, make sure to call the waiter up if you are hungry okay?"

"I know. Have fun."

Just like San Lang said, they arrive back before night fall. Lan Zhan also came back from his visited in Cloud Recesse, "How is your brother and Uncle?" Wei Ying asked while they are eating their dinner.

"They are fine. They do want me to visit them every now and then if I am not busy."

"Then Lan Shushu, can we come as well?" Wen Yuan asked. "Of course you can," 'A-Yuan, I was gonna adopted you to be part of the Lan clan. Maybe, someday.'

36 weeks later (I don't know okay. Just go with the story line. No bad comment please)

After their journey have ended, they are back in the spiritual realm. They are now outside of Qing room, beside Wen Ning. He is inside the room with Qing, "A-Qing! You can do this! I'm right here with you!"

Those that is waiting outside can hear Wen Ning encourage word and Qing screaming. This includes Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen, Wei Ying wrote to the two, he let them know that Qing is about to give birth. "I can't wait to see either we are having a brother or a sister!" Come a exciting Zizhen. The adult couldn't help but smile at what Zizhen just said.

"What would you three do if A-Qing have a girl?" Wei Ying asked.

"Of course we will protect her from other guys whose try to hurt her or other girl who try to bully her. We are her big brother after all."

"And what happen if the baby is a boy?" Asked San Lang.

"We will do the same. Protect him of course. No one mess with our family." The adult couldn't help but smile at what Jin Ling just said.


About an hour or so later they all hear a baby crying, "He or She is here!" When the three boys is about to open the door, the door open up. "Come in everyone," the three boys rush to Qing and Wen Ning side.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Jin Ling asked. Wen Qing (yes, is Wen Qing now. Same as Wen Ning sister right) show the baby to the three boys, "is a girl, said hello to Wen Xin Yi. We want A-Yi to always be happy."

"Hello Xin Yi, my name is Wen Yuan. I am your cousin."

"Welcome to our world Xin Yi, my name is Zizhen, I'm your big brother."

"Hello Xin Yi, my name is Jin Ling, i'm also your big brother. We will take good care of you."

One by one, the adult introduced themselves to Wen Ning and Wen Qing daughter. "Welcome little angel, welcome to your big happy family. A family that will take care of you, no matter what happen your family will ALWAYS be here for you."

Everyone watch as Xie Lian put his finger on Xin Yi neck. A small star necklace appear on Xin Yi neck, "Xie ge."

"May the power of light and shadow protect her and her parents and everyone around Xin Yi."

Hearing Xie Lian said this, everyone felt warm inside because as long as their family is all together, they will be there for one another. "That's right. As a family....we will protect one another no matter what."

So how is this ending? Do you all like it? Leave a comment okay! Thank you for all of the vote and the comment! I love all of them. See everyone in the other story of mine. Bye bye!!!!

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