Chapter 1

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"I dance because, there's no better feeling than dancing to a piece of music and letting the rest of the world disappear."


"Go finish packing all your things now young lady." My mom yells from the kitchen. I had just got back from the dance studio and walked through the doors to the house I won't be living in anymore, when my mom yells at me.I mean really was that nesassary? I know I haven't finished because I'm trying to persuade my mom into leaving me here to live by myself. I mean I'm responsible for myself. I can cook, well microwave food. I can wash my own clothes. I have a job, well used to have a job. I would be totally okay living all alone. Maybe a dog or cat can be my only roommate. If I make enough money to feed both of us.

I have to move to New York with my father and brother I'm so not excited for that. But I'm excited to find a new dance studio there. Not so much thrilled to have to go to a new school and start over, but my mom insisted it would be a great new start for me after everything that went down on us last summer. I told my mom it would be better if I stayed here so she wouldn't be alone, but nothing and I mean nothing will change her mind. Maybe she will find another man while I'm out of her life. I'm not close with my father because he and my mother divorced a couple years after I was born. Now, my brother I dont even remember what his face looks like. The last time I saw him was....well I don't even remember, he left with my dad when my parents divorced. But I heard my dad has a big house with more rooms than nesassary, so I'm excited to explore his house and pick out my room and the one I will be making into a dance studio, if he doesn't mind. My dad works a lot is what my mom told me, so he won't be around much. That doesn't bother me because, he hasn't been in my life for a very long time so it will be like living with my mom but you know without her. If that even makes sense.

When I go up to my room it almost looks empty. I packed all my things except for my music and dance things. I've been dancing since I was three and haven't stopped and nor will I ever stop. My mom put me in it because it was a childhood dream of hers that never came true. I feel sad that she never got to go to dance classes but I'm happy she put me in it. She put my sister in classes but she stopped in her last year of high school. I don't want to stop. I plan on going to college and dancing. I'm not sure though if I want to become a full dancer for life but I sure as hell won't stop. Dance has kept me breathing. Alive. Happy. Healthy. Everything. If I didn't have dance I'm not sure I would be the person I am right now. When I dance I escape from the darkness pulling me in. I escape from the past. I don't want to take back the past. If I did, I wouldn't dance with the same emotion I have now. I would just do the steps not dance them. I still wish I could change the past but....that's impossible.

I pull myself out of my thoughts and back to packing. I can't bring myself to pack the last of my things...well what was my sisters things. I felt wrong going into her room and taking her pointe shoes and favorite sweater, but I just needed something of hers to take with me.

Elliot, my sister, was a big part of my life. And I miss her like crazy everyday I wake up. I still have dreams about her and wake up crying at night. Sometimes I can't believe she's gone. We always had a dream that one day we would start our own dance studio for kids who couldn't afford classes. She was the kindest person I had ever met in my life. And the prettiest too, with her long straight blonde hair and big green eyes.

My mom acts like she's fine but, I know she's crumbling inside. Shes trying to keep it together for me and so am I. That's one reason I don't want to leave her alone. But she will not change her mind once she makes a choice.

When I finish packing I grab my bags and drag them outside, putting them in the back of my mom's car. My mom is dropping me off at the airport where I will fly to New York and be picked up by my father.

"Are you ready to go?" My mom asks with a smile. I don't smile back. "Come on, Mel it will be a different experience for you."

"What if something happens and I can't get here soon enough, mom." That's what I'm worried about. These past few days my mom's been getting sick but she refuses my offers to take her to the doctor. I'm scared she will get sick again and I won't be here to take care of her.

"I will be fine. Now, are you ready?" She demands.

"No", I whisper, "I'm not ready. I will be right back". I tell my mother.

When I get to my sisters room I pause in her doorway. Her room looks the same way she left it. Blue paint and dance quotes covering all her walls. It was hard for me to come in here after she di-,left. I still can't think of that word nor say it. It was hard because I didn't want to touch her things, I thought if I did that her fingerprints would be gone. But I quickly took her pointe shoes and sweater and left. Now, Im back because I purposely forgot to get something that was ours.

I walk to her jewelry box and gently take out the two crystal heart necklaces with our names in them. The one with her name inside is mine and the other with my name was hers. My mother gave them to us when Elliot started getting sick. She said they would keep us together no matter what. We never took them off after my mom gave them to us. But now there both here in her jewelry box.

I take them both and slip them into my shorts pockets. When I leave I close the door and slip into the passenger side of my mom's car.

When we get to the airport my mom helps me get my bags out from the trunk. We don't say anything for a while then she speaks.

"You can call me everyday, sweetheart." She tells me and pulls me in for a hug. I don't pull away or say anything. I hate saying goodbyes. I always have to face them. I can feel the tears threatening to spill as I pull away and look into my mom's eyes.

"Can we not say goodbye? Please." I whisper.

"Then we will say see you soon. Okay?"

"Okay." I tell her.

"See you soon, Melody. I promise." She hugs me again them says, "You should get going now."

"See you soon, mom. I will call you when I get there." I wipe the tear that escaped and smile.

"Stay out of trouble." She calls to me as I'm walking towards my plane.

I can do this and I will do this. For mom. And for Elliot.

Well I changed most of the chapter because some of it got deleted. But I hoped you liked it.~Natalie❤

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