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"Look into your eyes and see how this boundless universe twinkles when you smile.
But how long can this innocence last?
You've changed,
and time has changed your innocence.
I watched as your eyes dimmed day by day, as darkness consumed you.
You tried to bend it to your will,
but in the end,
it break you.
Don't tell me you don't mean it,
because your actions prove otherwise.
How long can you pretend to be innocent? behind your sweet smile There's a corrupt devil that you loathe.
You've prayed, but in the end,
you've become more desperate.
Who are you angry with?
Don't give me those pathetic excuses!
You make me feel disgusted.
How long can your conscience save you?
How long can you pretend to be dreaming? Wake up and stop being pathetic.
I'm tired of your shenanigans.
Don't pretend to be a victim.
All your sweet lies and broken promises, don't pretend like nothing happened.
You've smiled back at me again,
but what I see is no longer you.
Don't fool me again.
I've exhausted my patience.
In every debt,
there will be a creditor.
It's amazing how you pretend to be kind, knowing how dirty your hands are.
You ask me to save you.
Tell me now,
how can I save you?
It's not too late, is it?
Why do people pretend to ignore the signs, then regret it in the end?
I miss your smile.
It left me forever on the day you said goodbye.
I couldn't save you."

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