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"I find myself once again in a downtrend curve.
Here, I have arrived at the same inevitable conclusion I've always had in the past.
It's surprising how rational I am about it.
We are further engaged in a push-and-pull argument.
Who will emerge as the victor can only be known by tomorrow.
If there's ever a tomorrow, you may find out for yourself whether I choose between a period and a semicolon.
You know what you should do.
Yet, we continue to be irrational in this descending curve.

You may see me standing on the edge of this cliff today,
then falling.
It's not that I push myself,
nor does anyone push me.
It's because I realized how fragile I really was while standing on this cliff's edge as the wind blew me away.
But before my downfall,
it's not that bad to hold onto this cliff's edge,
bloodied and hurt,
but your grip must remain strong.
We were hanging on its edge,
uncertain until the golden hour comes. Climb this cliff and change the curve."

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