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Every morning,
It never fails to visit me.
Just like an old friend,
It hugs me tightly as we reunite for the nth time.
Every now and then,
It whispers its sweet poison,
Lulling me to sleep and slowly leading me to its woven dreamland.

Dancing wildly in front of me,
Seducing me.
Close your eyes now and be deluded.
It was a success, as I was on the borderline between insanity and reason.
Its hands clasp my entire being;
I am sludge in my own paradise.
Just like that, be deluded deeper.

Broken memories piece together,
bit by bit.
Can you ever tell what's real?
Paint it black until it stains you further—a prisoner of oneself,
A destroyer of oneself.

My Melancholia Where stories live. Discover now