Broken Starlight

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"Shuya, how does it feel to dream when the night comes?

"I don't know, sometimes I forget what I dreamed about the night before, and then sometimes I don't dream at all. I just get up not caring about my dreams because they're just dreams; they will all just go away and be forgotten."

"Forgotten dreams, huh? You're right, they're not that important. But why does it hurt sometimes, Shuya? Why am I hurting? I forgot all about it. Do you think it will all come back one day?"

"Unnie, there's no answer to that. Can our world stop if we forget all our dreams? Unnie, sometimes dreams are meant to be forgotten because they're not real."

"Shuya, what if those dreams are important? Shuya, would you give up your memories for power?"

"Unnie, I don't like questions like these. It's my memories; they're precious to me. Nothing can ever replace them. Why would you give up your memories for power? Can I still be happy without my memories? Memories make up who I am. The moment I forget, I also forget myself. Who am I? What kind of person am I? Am I kind, or am I a horrible person? Am I aware that everyone loves me? In a world where I don't know anyone, I feel so lonely. I don't want to live like that."

Okay then, I'll try to remember them someday, all of it. I'll try to get it back. I'll try to come back as a whole, not any missing piece behind, I promise.

The battle ended, blood dripping from her tired body. She couldn't help but kneel on the ground, all fours.

"Shu, I failed my promise. What to do? Shu? Who is she? Who..."

It's not that I desire power, but it's a responsibility given to me. it calls and draws me, leaving me nothing but an empty shell.

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