The Sea

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I don't like the light of the day 
Or the overwhelming sun rays. 
Let me hide for a while 
In the cradle of the darkness I created. 
Let me find peace in the moment of my isolation, 
Wrapped in the comfort of darkness, 
Sleeping like a fetus. 
Hiding so they won't see 
How this ruined kingdom looks like. 
I was burning inside, 
But they couldn't see. 
I was calm as they could see, 
But I was sailing in a storm they couldn't see. 
I was fighting not to let out a single scream. 
In a moment they will notice 
How big and heavy this monstrosity I was suppressing. 
Heavy pouring rain 
And the raging thunderstorm— 
Would they even notice if the rain and I become one, 
And then slowly merge deep within the sea? 
Can they wait for me, 
Or can the sands of time wait for me 
To rebuild the cracks out of my own fragments? 
Then finally step out into the light 
And wait for the new dawn to arrive, 
A day to bask in the sun with a light-hearted heart. 
I want to learn to be the sea, 
To be unbothered by a single wave or its vast existence. 
But I guess time won't wait for me 
As I struggle not to drown in this overwhelming sea.

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