~part 1~

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first day of senior year, my last first day. i let out a shaky breath as i got into my car. i almost started crying this morning i just couldn't believe it.

i got an incoming facetime as i set my car in drive, i answered it and set it against my air conditioning.

"hey," pablo said, and i glanced at the phone to see he was smiling.

"hi," i said, as i turned out of my neighborhood.

"on your way?" he asked, to which i nodded.

"i miss you," he pouted.

"i miss you too," i said with a chuckle.

"are you coming over thanksgiving?" he asked me.

"i think so," i said.

we talked for a few more minutes before i pulled into my school parking lot. we said goodbye and promised each other we'd call later, before we hung up.

i walked onto campus, and immediately i remembered the chaos of the first day. i almost laughed at all the lost freshman, and i pointed a few of them in the right direction.

"you're such a fun ruiner," a girls voice said, and she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "i've been sending them across campus in the opposite direction."

"wow jess, real nice of you," i said, rolling my eyes.

i found my locker and opened it, putting my new textbooks in. i also put a hoodie, just in case, and some food.

jess grabbed one of the granola bars, and opened it quickly, "thanks."

jess and i had been friends since 6th grade, but she usually rotated between crowds. none of my friends really liked her, they claimed she was a bad influence.

what they didn't know is that she came from a pretty bad family, she had been out in foster care and could never stay in one house. no matter what though she always knew she was welcome at my house.

"what's your 1st?" she asked as she chewed the bar.

"uhm ap lang, with mrs arnold," i said after glancing at my schedule.

"didn't you take that last year?" she asked with her mouth full.

"yeah, i'm taking it again for fun," i said sheepishly with a shrug of my shoulders.

"nerd," she said teasingly.

"hey where's that from?" she asked pointing at my ring.

"her secret boyfriend in barcelona," gabby whispered in jess's ear.

out of all my friends, gabby got along the most with jess. they were civil, and they would occasionally joke around together. they we're friends, but they weren't besties or anything.

"actually?!" jess asked, looking at me with a dropped jaw.

i chuckled before nodding and closing my locker.

"let me see!" she exclaimed.

we still had a few minutes before we had to start walking to class, so i decided to facetime him. he answered immediately and he looked a little surprised to see me calling.

"damn," jess whispered in shock. i gave her a glare knowing that he could hear her.

she raised her hand for a high five before bellowing, "w rizz."

i shook my head in embarrassment, and a few people gave me strange looks.

"yeah she pulls," gavi yelled out.

jess laughed hard at that before saying, "he's funny."

"y/n?" a voice said.

"ansu?" i said in excitement.

"y/n!" ansu said grabbing pablo's phone.

we both jumped up and down in excitement, even though we were simply looking at each other through a phone.

"idiots," pablo muttered as he grabbed his phone from ansu.

"is that pedri?!" i asked, as i saw pedri walk by.

"y/n?!" he said before grabbing the phone from pablo.

"let me talk to my girlfriend will ya?!" gavi said to them.

"side eye," pedri whispered to me before handing the phone back to pablo.

"hey the bells about to ring, i'll call you later," i told him.

"okay, bye amor," he said before hanging up.

"he seems good enough," jess said as we started walking to 1st period.

"yeah," i said with a chuckle. "hey what do you have 1st?"

"oh i have band," she said casually.

"that's across campus," i said to her.

"they give us five minutes to walk to class for a reason," she groaned.

"true," i said as i waved at her and walked into mrs.arnold's room.

"hey y/n!" she said, i had always been one of her favorite students. mostly because i was really good at editorial writing.

i glanced at the seating chart, i was sitting next to brandon. i plopped down into my seat, and watched as the room started filling up.

"how's your boyfriend?" brandon asked teasingly.

"he's great actually," i said with a chuckle.

"is this ap lang?" a girl asked.

"yep!" i said with a nod.

i noticed that on her schedule it said freshman.

"you're a freshman?" i asked her.

"yeah, why?"

"oh it's just normally freshman don't take ap classes," i explained.

"you did," brandon pointed out.

"only ap calculus," i said in annoyance.

"you do know that's like one of the hardest classes, right?"

"whatever," i said to him, before listening to what mrs arnold was saying.

in the middle of class as she was handing out the syllabus, she looked at me.

"y/n, i'm gonna need to see you after class," she said, and the whole class oohed. i rolled my eyes at them, and nodded in response to mrs arnold.

in the middle of class i started thinking about pablo, and once i started i couldn't stop. i miss him.

we're only getting older (pablo gavi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now