~part 7~

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warning: physical fighting; mentions of sexual assault and rape

"I WAS THERE, I REMEMBER IT ALL TOO WELL," i screamed out in jana's car.

"YES PERIOD," she yelled out jokingly.

"here we are," she said a few minutes later. i asked her to drive me, i wanted to surprise pablo with the dress i had bought. me personally i thought it made me look like a princess.

it was a dark red, with a sweetheart neckline. the sleeves dropped off the shoulder and poofed a little and there was a slit at the leg. jana and i walked to the door, where there was a big burly guy waiting. he glanced at the two of us and opened the door.

"damn," i whispered.

the inside was dark and the music was blaring loud, there was a bar off to the side. before i could look around for too long jana lead me over to a corner.

"guys this is y/n," she said gesturing over to me.

"i'm sira," a women said and i greeted her.

"i'm mikky," another women said.

"are we still waiting on salma?" jana asked them.

"yeah she said she was about to leave," mikky informed.

"so shell be here in an hour, great." jana sighed.

"ah look the guys are here," sira said and she pointed over to the door.

the guys walked in, most of the team, but my eyes were on gavi. he was wearing black dress pants and a button-up shirt. sure it wasnt the fanciest outfit ever, but damn it looked good on him.

as i was looking at him he caught my eye and i saw his jaw go slack. he eyed me up and down and i could feel the heat rise to my cheeks. i ducked my head and turned back to the girls.

"should we go say hi?" i asked them.

"gavi looks like he wants to do more than say hi," sira laughed.

"oh...w-we havent...uhm i-i," i stuttered as i tried to search for a response.

but they had already started walking towards the guys, and i sighed before following them. sira immediately went over to ferran and frenkie gave mikky a kiss on the cheek.

"hey," gavi said, but he was still looking at me in awe.

"hi," i said walking up to him.

he kissed me on the cheek, and wrapped an arm around my waist. i leaned into him and sighed contently.

"gavi wanna go with me to get drinks," pedri asked and gavi nodded. he kissed the top of my head before following pedri.

i walked over to jana in the middle of the dance floor. i started laughing and talking with her.

i felt someones hand on my waist, for a second i thought it was gavi, but realized this guy was doing it a lot rougher.

"im taken," i said taking a step away before going back to my conversation with jana.

"not right now," the guy whispered in my ear, he groped my ass and i gasped. i could hear the ringing in my ears, and i saw red.

"hey keep your hands off of her," gavi yelled at him but i pulled his arm.

"ive got it."

i walked up to the guy and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, and for a second i think pablo thought i was going to do something else.

"i feel sorry for you. im sorry you have such a sad life that you have to touch other human beings, knowing that you are putting them in an uncomfortable state, just because you cannot get someone of the opposite gender to love you," i spat at him.

"ooh i like a bad girl," he said with a disgusting smirk.

gavi tried to intercept but jana stopped him.

"fuck you," i whispered before pulling my hand back and punching him as hard as i could. he stared at me open mouthed while holding his jaw. to my surprise he hit me. he slapped me across the face.

but i wasnt letting down easily i pulled my fist back and punched him even harder, and when he moved to double over i raised my knee up into his groin, hard. he kneeled down on the floor and looked up at me.

"pathetic bitch," he muttered. just for that i pulled my foot back and kicked him in the nose. i heard a satisfying cracking noise.

i knelt down beside him and whispered into his ear, "think about this if you think of ever touching a woman like that again."

i got up and walked away from him, past the circle that had formed around him. i still felt the anger pulsing through me.

i walked outside and down the sidewalk, i felt a hand on my shoulder and flinched.

"hey are you okay?" i heard gavis voice ask.

i just kept walking, i knew i would snap at him if i spoke. i tried to breathe, calm my breaths, but it wasnt working.

"did you know that 81% of women have reported some form of sexual assault? that over 450,000 americans get sexually assaulted each year?" i said.

"i-" he tried to speak but i interrupted.

"since i was 12 i carried pepper spray with me. fucking 12!" i snapped.

he pulled me into a hug and i buried my head in his chest.

"it's unfair," i sobbed.

"i know," he said as he rubbed my back.

"let's go home," he said a few minutes later.

i don't think he realized what he said.


oddly enough i liked the idea of his home becoming my home. maybe someday.

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