~part 3~

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[a/n kind of a time skip]

"whoo," i said, attempting to calm my nerves.

"come on, it's probably you," gabby said by my said and jess nodded in agreement.

let me get you caught up, back in august mrs arnold asked if i would run for class president so she could get the debate club she always wanted. i agreed (eventually) and now they're about to announce who is going to be president.

also im pretty excited because i'm going to barca the day after tomorrow for thanksgiving. pablo thought i couldn't make it because we only had a week off, so i'm going to surprise him.

"and this years class president is...y/n hererra!" the principal, mr robins, announced.

i put my hand over my mouth in shock, before mr robins motioned me over to the microphone.

"wow," i said as i looked out at the student body. "thanks i guess."

"i'm kidding, thank you guys so much for this opportunity. thanks to mrs arnold because without her i would never be up here in the first place. than-" i said, but as i was continuing i saw something—or someone.

"oh my god," i said, before running off the stage.

i jumped into his arms as soon as i got to him.

"what are you doing here?" i whispered.

"i couldn't miss this amor," he said, like it was so obvious.

i pulled away and looked at him, only to see a huge smile on his face. i leaned in and kissed him, and everyone around us started cheering.

"thank you for coming," i said as i pulled away.

"i couldn't bare to stay away from you for long," he said as he looked down at me.

"i have to get back up there," i said motioning to the stage.

he nodded and i ran back up to the stage.

"my bad guys, got a little...distracted." i said with a chuckle, and a lot of them laughed.

"i promise that i'll make this year the best one yet!" i exclaimed into the mic, and the crowd cheered. i shook hands with mr robins and hugged the other contestants.

i walked off the stage and immediately gabby hugged me, "i knew you could do it!"

"meh all the others sucked," jess said as i looked at her. i rolled my eyes at her and i motioned for them to follow me.

"there he is!" i said pointing out pablo in the distance.

"i'm assuming this was you," i said turning to gabby.

she nodded sheepishly but i pulled both of them towards him.

"gavi!" i yelled out and he finally spotted us.

"jess this is my boyfriend pablo, pablo this is jess," i said introducing them. jess looked at him before nodding, i knew it would take her awhile before she would approve. but a nod was good enough.

"come here, i want you to meet mrs.arnold!" i said as i dragged him over to her. she was in a conversation with two other teachers, and i coincidentally had had both of them in sixth grade.

"hey ms.taylor, mrs.m!" i said greeting them.

"i would like you guys to meet my boyfriend gavi," i said and he smiled at them.

"you really couldn't have done better," ms.taylor said with a sigh.

"hey-" i started but she interrupted me.

"i wasn't talking to you i was talking to him," she said with a laugh and i just rolled my eyes, she was always known for her sarcastic remarks and her attitude.

"good one!" jess said and she gave mrs.taylor a high five.

"nice to meet you," mrs.arnold said politely, before she turned to me.

"i'm proud of you by the way," she said and i smiled.

"ah yes, me and my vice president," i said, and i put my arm around jess.

"what?!" she exclaimed.

"oh you didn't know, y/n put you in as her second in command," mrs.arnold said.

"i hate you," she mumbled.

"i love you too," i said, before patting her on the head. i noticed she turned a little red, but i simply ignored that.

"i'm going to give you the biggest tour of boerne ever," i said to pablo.

"boerne? i thought this was san antonio," he said slightly confused.

"this, my friend, is boerne. the magical land of idiotic people who are trying so hard not to fail math," zayn said and he put a hand on pablo's shoulder.

"hey y/n!" a voice said and i turned towards it.

"ahh," i yelled.

"my bad, i just got flashback to 6th grade honors math," i said, and i shuddered.

"nice to see you too," mrs.lane said, she was my 6th grade honors math teacher. my grade in that class was more bipolar than me.

"why don't i give you a tour of this fine campus," i said to pablo, and he chuckled before nodding.

i led him through the courtyard, since that's where the ceremony was held, and into the main building.

"this is the math wing, upstairs is the science wing," i said as we walked through the school.

"let me show you the auditorium," i said and i grabbed his hand and lead him through the double doors.

we were met with darkness, so i could the hidden light switch.

"this is where the magic happens," i said as i looked around.

"ah yes the magic of theatre," he said jokingly.

"shit," i said, and i covered my mouth.

"what?!" he asked and he turned to me.

"i have soccer tryouts tomorrow!" i said.

"ooh can i come watch?" he asked excitedly.

"sure, but it's at 7:00am," i told him warningly.

"eh i'll be fine." he said with a shrug.

"do you wanna come to dinner with my family tonight?" i asked him.

"as long as your family won't hate me." he said jokingly, but i could tell there was a hint of truth.

"don't worry they'll love you, and also my cousins are going to be in town," i said.

"henry?" he asked hopefully.

"nope, they're on my dads side. the ones that are coming are in my moms side." i said.

"hopefully your parents don't hate me...oh my god what if they think i'm too stupid for you?! i mean you're a literal genius, and i'm a soccer player!" he said and he started panicking.

"hey," i said grabbing his face. "they're gonna love you."

"i hope so," he said nervously.

{time skip}

"ahh yes the famous meeting place," i said as i opened the doors to whataburger.

"i thought we were meeting at a fancy restaurant or something," pablo said in confusion.

"are you kidding me?! this is top notch texas cuisine," i told him.

i led him over to the large table they put together for my family. i waved to a few of the workers, and me and pablo sat down.

a few minutes later everyone had sat down. i nudged him, signaling for him to introduce himself. he looked at me nervously, and right on cue my aunt said, "who's this?"

"oh i'm pablo gavi, y/n's boyfriend."

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