~part 9~

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"my parents want to meet you," pablo said. i looked up at him from my phone and he must have noticed my nervous stare because he then said, "theyll love you."

"when?" i asked.

"tomorrow night, they're having dinner at their house." he replied.

i sucked in a nervous breath, "okay."

~time skip~

"pablo!" i called from the bathroom.

he peeked his head into the bathroom and i watched as he looked me up and down.

"is the dress okay?" i asked.

it was green, and kinda reminded me of a picnic. it had puffy sleeves and it went down to my ankles. it had a corset and it somehow shapes my waist perfectly. i felt pablos arms wrap around my waist, "you look beautiful, amor."

"are you sure? is it fancy enough? is it too fancy? ohmygod is my hair okay? maybe i need to fix it more-"

"hey, you look perfect. stop worrying. they're gonna love you, i promise." he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

we got in his (newly purchased) car and he began to drive towards the house. i attempted to calm my nerves yet nothing worked.

when we pulled up i nearly threw up, pablo held my hand and squeezed it. he could tell i was nervous and he attempted to reassure me.

"ah hello, you must be y/n." his mother said after she opened the door.

"yep that's me!" i said awkwardly and smiled at her. she looked at our interlocked hands before replying.

"well aren't you two just adorable." she said, causing gavi to blush.

a few minutes later we were all sitting at the dining room table.

"you know, pablito never brought a girl home." his sister said.

"aurora!" he said, slightly annoyed.

i just laughed at the way he pouted, and decided i would make fun of him later.

the rest of the night went really well, and pablo made sure to let me know when we got back home.

"that went really good." he said.

"really? i thought so."

"they loved you. just like i told you they would."

"hold on someone's calling me." i said, reaching into my pocket and pulling out my phone.

"oh hey jess." i said into the phone.

"hey. when are you coming back?" she asked, and i could hear a tinge of something in her voice. but i didn't know what it was.

"saturday. why what's wrong?" i asked.

"nothing i just need to talk to you about something."

"can we talk over the phone?"

"no, it's important."

"do i need to get a flight back early?" i asked, furrowing my brows.

"no, no no." she said quickly. "it's fine, i'll be fine for a few days."

"are you sure?"

"yes." she said.

"i'll call you right when my flight lands, okay?"

"okay." she said, and right after that she hung up.

"who was that?" gavi asked, concerned.

"jess, something's wrong. i might need to fly back early." i said and he groaned.

"you cant leave me." he said, his expression soft.

"i know but jess-" i started.

"no, no buts." he said firmly.

"gavi she's my friend." i said, just as firm.

"so?! i'm your boyfriend!" he said.

i just scoffed and stood there.

after a few moments i spoke, "i'm going to the store, need anything?"

i grabbed my purse off the nightstand and made my way towards the door.

"y/n." he said softly, but the door had already slammed shut.

a/n-in my inactive era😭 i made a tumblr but it's mostly sturniolos and i'm a lot more active on there.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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