~part 6~

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"ANSUUUUU," i yelled out as i ran into camp nou.

"Y/N!!!" all the players yelled and they began to run to me.

i hugged them all and we exchanged greetings.

"nice seeing you, as always," xavi said.

"thanks xavi," i said with a nod. i knew he wanted to know if i had decided yet, but i instead tried to ignore it.

i sat down on the bench, and while i was watching them practice i felt a tap on my shoulder.

"jana!" i exclaimed and i got up to give her a hug.

"hey y/n!" she said as she hugged me back.

"so, i heard about the offer..." she said.

"jonatan told you?" i asked her.

"yeah, how are you gonna choose?" she asked curiously.

"i have no idea. it's like when i'm with him and i'm here surrounded by these boys that i literally love with all my heart, i'm sure that i'm gonna choose barca." i said and she nodded.

"but then i go back home and i spend time with my family. and i think about how i've dreamed of going to harvard and pursuing marine biology, then i just get confused."

"harvard huh?"

"yeah, apart of me is hoping i don't get in so that i won't have as much trouble making the decision." i said with a sigh.

"gavis completely in love with you by the way. everytime i talk to him he somehow brings you up. pedri even told me he keeps a box of things that remind him of you."

"really?" i asked her.

"water break!" xavi yelled out.

"hey," pablo said, out of breath. i side eyed jana hard but turned to him.

"hey," i said.

"shit," i said as i felt my phone vibrate.

"hey!" i heard gabby say as i put the phone up to my ear.

"hey," i replied back.

"how's barcelona?" she asked.

"it's good, really good," i said with a laugh.

"that's good, just wanted to let you know that i heard from a little bird that they're letting out ivy results early." she said.

"what?!" i asked as i jumped up from my seat.

"apparently they're being released late december," she informed me.

"oh my god-that's next month," i said.

"i know, you should be excited!" she exclaimed.

"i am!" i said.

"i've gotta go, i'll call you later okay?"

"okay bye, love you," i said as i hung up.

"what happened?" gavi asked from in front of me.

"they're releasing ivy decisions early!" i said as i jumped around.

"really?" he asked excitedly.

i nodded and he pulled me into a hug.

"alright come on chicos!" xavi yelled out and they all jogged back to him.

i began scrolling on tiktok, as jana was on her phone and i didn't want to watch a bunch of sweaty men run around, although i'll admit gavi did look pretty hot.

"princess of spain?!" i yelled out causing a few people to look at me.

"oh you haven't heard about that yet," pedri asked me from where he was standing.

we're only getting older (pablo gavi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now